TOUGH ENOUGH TO RIDE IN PINK feat Casting From Turd & fellow WDs

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Race Dog
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
Western Cape
Ladies and Gentleman, Wild Dogs of the Adventure Riding World, I present to you
Casting From Turd in his Pink Tutu along with some other dogs in

[size=10pt]"TOUGH ENOUGH TO RIDE IN PINK"[/size]

Cancer Awareness Ride

On the 31st of December 2013, I received a worrying phone call from the Turd... "Duiwels Kind, we going to have to cancel the ride".  :eek: :eek: :eek:

Well, word spread quickly and panic broke out among the riders. There was confusion and chaos. Some were sad and some went into depression.  :crybaby2:

We all waited patiently on Turdie to get back to us....... and finally word came!! We have a green light: [size=10pt]THE RIDE IS ON! [/size]  :hello2: ( There were tears of joy!  :peepwall: )

As the day gave way to the start of 2014, we welcomed the new challenges and adventures that lay ahead (we also welcomed a shy 40'C day )  :eek:  :sunny:

Last word we got on the 31st was "Meeting at 9am at Hitgeheim"  :sip:

At 8am on the 1st my Kom Tou My was ready to hit the road and my cooler box packed and loaded for the sweltering day that lay ahead  :ricky:

As I was standing next to my bike decorated with a pink tutu, waiting patiently for the rest of the pack to arrive, I hear a sound similar to that of a scooter coming down the drive way. Well, it wasn't only one scooter, but 4 ;D . Tiffie, Sakkerwasser (Tiffie Jnr) & Pillion, Knucklhead and Knucklhead Jnr have arrived.  :thumleft:

While we are having coffee, my phone rings. Its the Turd.  :patch: .... he says he's at the gate waiting for us.  ???  Reason being: he didnt want to come down to the lodge and get dressed in his pink attire  :eek7: . The signal was very bad at the lodge ( :peepwall: ) and the last words to him before the phone cut out (  ::)  ) were " we are waiting for you" .  A couple of minutes later the Turd arrived  ;D . Now we were waiting on Manic. It was well after 9 already and I started to wonder if he even owns a KTM  :pot:. While we wait for Manic to grace us with his presence, Tiffie hands out awesome stickers that he had made for us. Thanks Tiffie  :thumleft:.

FINALLY!!! Manic pulls in......on his so called DS bike.... his 1190  :pot: :imaposer: (its more of a crotch rocket if you look at the way he rides that thing)  :lol8:  (net n ou gappie Manic!!)  :-*.

Right, now everyone is gearing up. Turdie with his pink tutu and the bikes with their pink "whispers".

And off we go!  :ricky:

We take the gravel road to the R75.
There we took a right on the R75 towards Graaff Reinet for a short 4,5kms and then turned left onto the Cockscomb Road towards Steytlerville.

Along the way we pulled off to meet fellow adventure riders and gave them some stickers. The smoke break wasn't long as the sun was beating down on us and there were no trees to find shelter from the blistering sun.  Steytlerville being just around the corner, and after hearing some mumbles of food and drink, we headed to the Steytlerville Royal Hotel.

We arrived in Steytlerville and headed straight for the pomp stasie to fill up the scoots. When Knucklhead arrived, we heard a rumour that he ran out of juice just before Steytlerville  :pot: (its cause you werent on your GSA - card board cut outs dont run out of fuel)  :peepwall:

From there we headed across the road to the Royal Hotel  :biggrin:.

Pink milkshakes, shandies and beers were ordered as starters....then some King Burgers and toasties for mains (with more shakes, beers and cold drinks as side orders)  :eek:ccasion14:.

Just before we left, we got word from Scooterbike!!  :biggrin:  He is in Uniondale!
It was hot! Everyone just ate! We were suffering from sever heat stroke  ::) and some were g@tvol already. We told Scooterbike to mount his pony and meet us 60km up the road in Willowmore.  :ricky:

After lunch we geared up, and hit the cement road between Steytlerville and Willowmore. ( I dont have much to say about this stretch except that Manic came flying past on his crotch rocket of a KTM  followed by Tiffie on his 1200GS and they disappeared on the horizon).

Finally, destination reached - Willowmore! Scooterbike was already there relaxing with a cold drink when we arrived. We all did the meet and great, had some drinks and some laughs and took some more pics of Turd in his tutu  :lol8: :thumleft:

The plan was to ride the loop from Willowmore to Uniondale on gravel, but as it was late already and some of us had to get back to Addo and others to JBay, we stuck to the tar road and headed for Uniondale.

The scoots pulled into Uniondale at the Shell Ultra City (which is actually just a container on the side of the road with 2 or 3 pumps and half a shady tree in the corner. We were all over that shade like white on rice!) .

From Uniondale we travelled along the R339 to Avontuur.

Some more photos were taken and Turd even managed to get a pick taken in a off duty cops cage!!  :eek: :imaposer: :imaposer:.

Here we said our good byes to Knucklhead Snr & Jr, Scooterbike and Turd as the made their way to Plett and Knysna. The rest of us made our way down the Langkloof to the N2 where Tiffie and Sakkewasser headed to JBay. The two KTMs made their way towards Port Elizabeth and parted ways at the Uitenhage turnoff.

604kms later I checked in at home.

It was a wonderful ride and for a great cause!! Will definitely do it again!!  :thumleft:

The photos will follow shortly.
Scooter, Turdie or Knucklheads, please will you guys write about that last stretch you did home as well as some pics.


