1200GS Bar raisers

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Pack Dog
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
BMW (all models)
I Have an 06 1200GS to which I want to fit a set of bar raisers. I am of average height, thus I have to extend my arms to an almost staight position when seated, and would prefer a slightly elbow bent position. I have adjusted the std bars but dont seem to find a comfortable position. It seems a set of bar raisers could help with my problem, however I have a question or two that those of you who have raised your bars could help with:
1. I note 25mm, 30mm and 40mm raisers, how high can I go without having to lenghten any cables
2. The std bars meausre 28.6mm, thus denoting "fat bars" (I think), any suggestions on what brand is reputable. I would prefer someone using stainless steel bolts as I live at the coast.

Your comments would be appreciated
