Recent content by D man

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  1. D

    To the Lungs of the Earth

    To Mr and Mrs NiteOwl, what an epic trip and stunning ride report. I always have such admiration for anyone travelling into the less obvious parts of Africa. It takes massive kahunas. Respect!
  2. D

    Just the two of us, Kaokoland Edition

    A RR involving Namibia always grabs my attention, looking forward to this one.
  3. D

    Touch the Desert - Namaqua - Namibia ....

    Stunning RR XRRX, looking forward to the rest of it.
  4. D

    Tiger 800XCX Loss of Power Issue

    Thanks for that, it's an angle I would never have considered.
  5. D

    Tiger 800XCX Loss of Power Issue

    Morning All, I have an 800XCx, almost 15 000 kays done and have recentlyexperienced a disconcerting issue (well...actually this has happened about 4 or 5 times) - a total loss of power when riding, it's as if the fuel supply has simply been cut off.  On each occassion this has happened, I have...
  6. D

    2017 04 - Three XRs do 2000 km of Kenya's Best

    Every now and then a truly stunning RR appears, this is one of them.  Well done!
  7. D


    Hi, we went there in 2010, also avoided Zim and basically travelled around ZIM in a clockwise direction.  Take a look at the ride report - Cheers, D
  8. D

    The Southern Namibian Raid - pissing on sand

    Stunning RR, thanks for the effort you've taken in creating it.  Amazing pictures.
  9. D

    Christmas Safari 2 - 2014 Edition (Bots & Nam)

    Love your ride reports, always well written and interesting.  Looking forward to the rest of this one.
  10. D

    Christmas Safari

    What a stunning RR.  I'm always in such awe of riders who attempt solo trips, especially those, such as this one, that venture far off the beaten track. Well written, entertaining.  So glad it happened to pop up again as I missed it initially.
  11. D

    Khama Rhino Sanctuary and Kubu Island - info needed

    Can answer two of your questions - Petrol is available in Letlhakane, there is also a Spar and a bottle store.  Wood can be bought at Kubu Island, we borrowed a wheel barrow to take it back to the camp site. Cheers, D
  12. D

    Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi & Mozambique - Any advice would be appreciate

    You're doing almost the exact route that bmad et al did in May 2010 - read this ride report. There is pretty much nothing happening at Monkey Bay, Cape McClear is the place to be and more specifically Fat Monkeys.
  13. D

    KLR Electrical Problem

    So I spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning looking at all the wiring under the tank etc and, without me finding anything obvious, I have got the bike to start.  I removed all the insulation tape that was there, checked all the wiring and then taped it up again. I simply don't know - I...
  14. D

    KLR Electrical Problem

    I'm going to spend the weekend looking into this.  I am a little sceptical that I will be able to find something that has escaped people far more technically aware than me.  But I have nothing to lose.
  15. D

    KLR Electrical Problem

    Many thanks for all the advice, I'll do some checking myself before throwing more money at the problem. And yes, it is an 08 model.  :) Cheers, Don