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  1. E

    Ride to Prentjiesberg

    Ek op my KLR en vriend op BMW 1200GS het vanoggend Prentjiesberg toe gery, so 10 uur vertrek uit Elliot, oor Gubenxa/Ryno, verby Gatberg en onderkant van Bastervoetpad, en uiteindellik tot by voet van Prentjiesberg naby Ugie.
  2. E

    Barkly Pass and Bastervoetpad

    I went on a ride earlier today up Barkly Pass, past Mountain Shadows and to the top of Bastervoetpad. Surprised that the road wasn't wet after the rain and little sunshine we had for the past week. First time I took the KLR out on a longer ride, and must say, I'm very happy with the bike so far.
  3. E

    Hi all

    Good day to all the bikers out there; I'm from Elliot in Eastern Cape and very excited to go and fetch my KLR in East London tomorrow  :biggrin: I'v mainly ridden quads before, owned a WR250 for about a year, but decided on a DS bike now. Very happy that a fellow Wilddog introduced me to the...