Recent content by GRIM

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  1. GRIM

    Wanted 2012/13 GS1200 project donor bike

    A friend is looking for a 2012 / 2013 GS1200 (last of the air cooled) GS1200 for a MechEng type project. A complete bike is good as everything will be there, but seeing as it will be stripped it is not essential. Frame and front end damage are not critical, Engine and drive train must work (as...
  2. GRIM

    Bros what do we do against the taxi problem???

    Dunno, I headbutted one, which worked, but I don't think it's a long term solution...
  3. GRIM

    Birds of South Africa

    They're out 😁 Interestingly, they don't fly too well yet, and there seemed to be a lot of adult wagtails around cheeping away making themselves noticed to distract the dogs and me.
  4. GRIM

    Magnetic Tank Bags....?

    Yes, And yes. My xt had small scratch patches from it, and my honda I just stuck some tape on the tank where the magnets go.
  5. GRIM

    Birds of South Africa

    The morning has a nip to it, but still shorts and t shirt weather...for now anyway
  6. GRIM

    Birds of South Africa

    I thought there were two, suddenly it's 3...
  7. GRIM

    Birds of South Africa

    Getting big now, I think they'll be out of here soon.
  8. GRIM

    Birds of South Africa

    It is the wagtails, the photo came out quite dark, but they are definitely darker than usual. They don't seem to have a fixed breeding season, but do return consistently to the same nests. I had a rat / mouse problem in the one workshop that killed a couple of broods, but I've sorted it out now...
  9. GRIM


    Yes, that's him. I recall him passing away, but couldn't remember his name. Fantastic character.
  10. GRIM


    There was a guy a few years ago that had a million km on his gold wing.
  11. GRIM

    Birds of South Africa

    I guess the winter oil change for my mowers is going to be delayed... No photos, but there is a Vulture restaurant on by neighbors farm that my house overlooks, and there's a pair of Lammergeyers that have been hanging around there lately. Being on top of the hill, I also get the...
  12. GRIM

    Rear axle spacer damage & worn bearing hub

    Those dimples in the rim are from someone punching divots into the wall to hold in a loose bearing in. I would measure up the bearing cavities in the rim and see just how much they have worn, and then decide what needs to be done. If there was a wobble in the wheel that could definitly be a...
  13. GRIM

    Rear axle spacer damage & worn bearing hub

    It basically provides support for the insides of the inner bearings and stops them from having sideways load when you tighten the axle bolt. So the pressure is supported by the inner races pressing against the spacer and not transferred through the balls to the outer races and hub
  14. GRIM

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    I still chat to Rossdog often. Trigger sadly passed away, but the new Weim is called Alpha and is a character too...
  15. GRIM

    Re: Captain Zef's in Michigan USA

    Not really, it just goes round and round and round, and then you have to untangle the string later...