Wilddog Ride Reports in TopBike

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Grey Hound
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, Colorado
Hildebrand & Wolfmuller (all models)
Guys (and Guygirls)

At the bash I had a long (and sometimes incomprehensible, due to the abundance of alcohol  :p) discussion with KiLRoy and Wino.

As some of you may now, I am the new editor of TopBike magazine. One of the things on my extremely long to-do list is featuring more practical input from REAL motorcyclists going on REAL trips, as opposed to long, beautifully photographed trips where journalists have their vanity cases and luggage accompanying them in the photographer's air-conditioned 4x4. This will become more evident from the March edition, as many things have already been finalized up to our Feb edition.

And in a country like SA it would indeed be kind of dumb to ignore adventure riding.

So we agreed that TopBike is allowed to approach you guys with the purpose of publishing the good ride report in the magazine. We undertake to pay decent money too. Isn't that a bargain - being paid for something you've already written?!!  :eek:

I will obviously ask you to add some detail (like total distance, cost, tips, etc.) to your original posting to make it suitable for a kief article.

I may also ask you guys to contribute your opinions on certain specific matters, ie, our experience of ownership of certain bikes, a I believe that gives a much better idea of actual ownership than the (sometimes dodgy) opinions of some scribes.

We are going to help the forum (by encouraging more and better Ride Reports) and it would be great if the forum could help us to give our readers what they deserve.

Like I said at the bash: "I'm a very ethical guy, but I'll never decline an offer for a double rum and Tab..." ;D ;D ;D ;D