A dinosaur takes a Sunday cruise.

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Race Dog
Mar 11, 2012
Reaction score
Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin
                                                            Sunday Cruise
                                                  A Dinosaur takes a Sunday Ride.

So I here I was on this lekker Sunday morning sitting in my garage, busy having a lekker cold one or two to clear my aching head from “last nights kuier” Busy checking my bonnies out and scheming to myself what lekker bonnies I’ve got, and maybe I should be like those ”ou topies” that ride those trailer type “Bikes” that are there for show and tell and of course “Sunday Rides”  and go and take a Sunday ride to Cullinan and have a breakfast there and show off my bonnies “ek se” Now I didn’t even have a goose lined up or any thing to distract me, so I called the “Rug Rats” and the “klein Bliksem” came out with a cold one in his hand, also trying to get his head to become “lekker” again. Dam he tunes me but that was a good “Kuier” we had last night. Now I ask you ous out there is that not a proud moment or what, the bloody little “Dinosaur” is following in his old mans foot steps.

Out comes the other “Rug Rat” at least she’s looking much better than the two of us. So I tunes to them about this moerse lekker idea I have and they are sommer game to go out and cruise with there old man and to show the other ous our lekker “Bikes”.

Now we take a “lekker rustige” cruise all the way to Cullinan doing a whole 80km per hour thing. Now I dig a bit of speed and was sommer forcing myself not to open up the throttle as the idea was to do the “only take my bike out on Sunday cruise” and if I open it up I might even get a “moerse skrik” as to how fast it can actually go and it would of spoilt this Sunday Cruise thing we were doing.

Huh!!! get to Cullinan and nooit man there was not even one of those Sunday cruise ous over there. Dam man this “Sucks” it’s as if those ous sommer some how (they) new we were coming. Now with nobody around for us to show off our Bikes and  to tune them how lekker slow we actuality rode to get there, we decided to sommer entertain our self’s and have a few cold ones to make up for it.

Have a few cold ones and decide to head back to Pretoria and go and have a lekker hamburger and a few cold ones to wash it down.

On route back I decide nooit man I gotta just check if this Honda can at least reach 100km per hour and if I will be able to hold on and not fall of. “Yislaaik” what a rush it was, now I sommer know how those (Sunday Cruising Ou’s) feel. I check in my mirror to see that the two rug rats have been pulled over by the Sap. “Sommer gooi” a u-turn and go back to investigate.

Now these traffic cops are having a “moerse” discussion with my Rug Rats and each other. I am not one to take these things lying down so I tune them what’s there problem as we were still not going moerse fast.

The one ou points at the number Plates of the bonnies and tunes me see if you can spot the “difference.” So I check out the number plates and then it sommer klaps me like a wet rag in the gesig. Both number plates are sommer the same.

Now I scheme to myself how the hell did I do that. Then it dawns on me that when I had the number plate made for my daughters bike it was on a Saturday and the head was not too lekker as we were really kuiring the night before, so I took the wrong papers and that’s how it happened. Two months ago and some how none of us spotted it.  The two bikes sleep next to each other.

Tuned these ous about it and they had a bloody good laugh and tuned me to solve the problem. Huh!!! What did he mean by that, the number plates or that I should not make those decisions when the cold ones are still in the veins???

Nice ous as they didn’t fine us, so off we head to Pretoria to go and have a lekker hamburger as we were “stukkend hungry” by this time.

Now I had read about this place on the forum that makes a lekker hamburger so we sommer stopped there and tried the hamburgers out and a cold one or two to wash it down.

After the lekker graze we go to our local kuiring gat to enjoy a cold one and to discuss this Sunday riding thing and our great adventure of like riding at that ridiculously slow speed, the Rug Rats tuned the ous there about the number plates and the ous cracked them selves with laughter at me and went to check it out. Now my pride is sommer once more taking a knock as im a Biker, a WD a Dinosaur, a Moerse tough ou, so I get hold of the salt and gooid some of it in there dop.  Needles to say when they got back the teasing started,

I tunes them ok ok I made a slight mistake and let’s drink to it. He he you should of checked there faces out as they spat out there dop all over the bar and each other. I made a beeline for the exit but sadly never quite made it out. Cost me buying a round for the guys.    

I have come to the conclusion that I will rather leave the”Sunday Riding slow thing” to the guys that have trailers for there bonnies and ray ban sunglasses and cell phones in case they get stuck.

ALLEN I.    

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