2stroke test = cracked rib

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Race Dog
WD Supporter
Jun 27, 2007
Reaction score
Somerset West
Why am I posting this? Don't know. Also don't think "real bikers" learn lessons from other bikers, sometimes not even from own experience!

Went for a "test ride" on a 2stoke enduro bike on Sunday in Tulbach. (Make of bike not important.) Played out to be not a very inteligent decision after generous amount of red wine. All went well, came back and did a short U-turn - something so easy on the GS. Weight outside, power on and around she comes. Did was sort of natural, weight outside, open slighty, nothing happens, weight out more, open up some more and then all hell broke loose. Bike went left(airborn obviously), I went to the right(airborn obviously). My reaction time too slow!
Result - cracked rib + major damage to ego. (Did I mention that this happened in front of 30 people)

Moral of the story? What we all know...

Luckily the rib is not too sore. Only hurts when I breath, turn around in bed at night, move around, sneeze, cough, etc. (Did you know that you turn around in bed about 10000 times at night?

For the interested - The wine was excellent. Oude Compagnies Post Cab 2003, Pinotage 2005 and Shiraz 2007 is something special.
OK, now I feel somewhat better.
Have a nice day...