3 day Intermediate Course to Off Road riding! 5-6 and 7 November.

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Pack Dog
Oct 6, 2006
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BMW (all models)
Only 11 days to go to this wonderful experience, this well structured weekend will give back to you multiple times what you have put in. Being at Bontebok Ridge with a group off people and getting the professional training for three days changes your approach to Off-Road ridding beyond imagination. At R2800.00 all inclusive it’s a steal! 5-6 and 7 November should be spent at Bontebok Ridge with Rough and Ready!

This intermediate course is designed in such a way that the student will walk away from this weekend with the skills acquired to safely embark on any journey of his choice. He will feel confident in his abilities and look forward to try all his new skills on his next trip.

This step by step learning keeps safety on the fore-front all the time, all skills taught and learned are all relevant to a certain situation one may encounter on his travels. The skills will give one the confidence to handle and negotiate the obstacle and or also the ability to avoid these.

Although the basics behind safety on and off the bike have being discussed in the introduction course this is again repeated here and again protective clothing, riding gear, packing your motorcycle and much more is on the agenda.

The riders attending the intermediate course have been riding their motorcycles for a while and some even for a long time. Without proper instruction bad habits can be formed and can make off-road riding uncomfortable or even just plain dangerous. This course gives the student the opportunity to take a shortcut to good habits and learn from the instructors "time in the saddle" and experience.
The weekend is spend doing clutch, brake and throttle control. Getting to grips with your motorcycle in different situations and on different road surfaces is all what this is about. Making new friends and finding new riding partners is all part of this wonderful experience.
The course is conducted in small groups allowing in dept tutoring of the student and is held over three days. The course starts on Friday morning at 09h00 a short lunch break and on till 17h00 where one can relax and prepare for dinner. On the Saturday the same hours apply. Sunday at lunch we wrap up and will leave the venue by latest 14h00 giving one the opportunity to make home at a decent hour.

An “outride” with some surprises closes each day!

Remenber at R2800.00 this is a steal, contact us at [email protected]

What some former participants had to say!

First of all I want to thank you and your wife for the profesional way in which the two of you created the oppertunity for me to learn new skills and put them to practice. It was more than I expected it to be. 
I gave training for 12 years, if I am not mistaken, and want to compliment you on the way you did it.
That “extra mile” you are prepared to walk will keep you in business for many years to come.
If you do find some ego at the venue it might be mine, I changed it for confidence.
This Intro to off road riding course should not be called a "course".  A course is a place where you have an instructor and you feel like a student who either pass the test or fail it.
This is more like an event where you have the opportunity to learn new skills and practice it in a controlled and SAFE environment under the supervision of experience.
I enjoyed the day tremendously. 
As they say: "You can stay where you are for the rest of your life or you can move to "Training with Rony" You make the choice and you live with it.
A big thanks to everybody on the course, and a special thanks to Rony and his wife.

Jis Rony dankie vir saterdag.  Jys n Legend.  Ek het my gate uit geniet.  My bike voel soos n ander een.  Kan nie glo hoe die klein goed mens kan verbeter nie.  Weet regtig nie nog hoe om jou te bedank nie.
