Atlantis, A day of sand!!!

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Pack Dog
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town Pinelands
KTM 1190 Adventure
Let me start by saying sorry for no pic's, camera in for repairs, but I'm sure some of the other dawgs will add a few.
We all met at the Total garage at around 07h00.(myself,XT660,Topbox,Lito,Cube and Tony). I had never met the last 3, so when Cube arrived on his Aprillia and told us that he had done almost NO off road riding, I knew it was going to be an interresting day ;D.
We headed off past the Barrel and turned left to go to the N7, but instead of turning onto the N7 and going to Atlantis on the tar, we carried on staight, went past the no entry sign, onto the gravel and then came our first bit of sand. From here, we had to cross a very rutted field till we came to a river. This was our first obstical as it was WAY to deep. After scouting around for a few minutes, Lito and I found an easier crossing and this is where the fun began. We all went through except Cube who had his first fall on the Aprillia, in the mud ;D. After picking up his bike, we made it to the second crossing and this is where Cube lay his pony down for another short rest, but this did not stop him. He picked up his bike and took off like the mud monster was after him!! We all made it through the 3rd river which smelt big time like shite and then went up onto the railway service road.
From here, we made our way down the service road till we got to the Vissers hok road and this is where we said goodbye to Tony who had to retire due to a flat back tire. At this point, we thought that we might loose Cube, but no, he was determined to show us that he was going to make it. We carried on down the track and about 15 km's later, we hit a section where there was a few patches of water across the serevice road and it was real slippery. We stopped just past the water to wait for Cube, and boy was it worth waiting for. He came cruising along and just when he should have started slowing down for the water, he hit the gas. the first patch of water threw his bike around 90 degrees to the path and as he hit the second pool, it slapped back the other way :eek: :eek:. We all stood there with big eyes, not sure if we should dive into the bush to avoid this tank slapping maniac that was flying out of control towards us and all of our parked bikes. To cut a long story short, he some how managed to get it staight and stop a few metres from our bikes with a big "I had that all under control" grin on his face ;D Let me tell you, this is actually a story that only him and his dry cleaner should know about.
How he hung on, I will never know, but 10/10 to you, Cube, you must be the most hard core and determined Noob that I have ever ridden with ;
From here, we followed though to Atlantis and said cheers to Cube. He had decided that his Aprillia with road tyres was not going to work in the dunes.
We filled up with fuel and then hit our first path into the dunes. This time, it was Topbox that had a big off :eek: After picking up his bike and his pride, we carried on. XT660 had the next small off and when he cought up to us, he was sweating from places that no human should be sweating from ;D. We had a small rest and then went into the actual dunes. After a looong wait, there was still no sign of XT, so I went back to look for him. i found him lying under a tree cooling off. When he heard my bike coming, he quickly jumped up and tried to put his jacket on before I saw him, but Andy, you were bust ;D
We rode into the dunes and messed around for a while. After finding a really huge dune, XT said that he wanted to go to the top and park off for a while(he says to check out the view).The rest of us were already at the top when we turned to see XT make his move. He hit the face of the dune flat out in 3rd and never shut off. Well, as can be expected, he took off for the heavens and reached a hight that only a supercross rider could wish for, but what goes up, must come down, and boy did it come down!!!! :eek: :eek: We all rushed over to pick up man and bike. This is one that I wish I had got on video. After speaking to him today, he has a very swollen foot and a big bruse on his forehead. Good thing he had a good helmet.
Soon after this, we made our way out of the dunes and headed to the Bushpub for a cold one.
Thanks to all who joined, it was great riding with you all and Andy, I hope that you feel better soon.
P.S  Those of you that took pics, please post them before I get the usual :useless: ;D ;D
Cheers guys

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