Be afraid, be very afraid for Sani Pass!

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Feb 11, 2009
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Pietermaritzburg KZN
Kawasaki KLR 650
I’ve been thinking long and hard about this post as I’m averse to sensationalising important topics. But following my most recent interaction with the consultants (??!!!) conducting a study on behalf of the Department of Transport on the tarring of Sani Pass, the time has come to clang the alarm bells among Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) that, to my mind, extend to ALL DS riders, whether you ride in KZN or Kakamas.
At issue is a poorly thought-out plan to tar Sani Pass, ostensibly to promote tourism to the highlands of Lesotho. This is a highly complex matter that needs serious thinking, not only about the short-term implications of such a move, but also with respect to the irrevocability and permanent damage of such a short-sighted decision.
To keep things simple and to the point:  Part of the problem is the unseemly haste of the process, so much so that the consultants (???!!!) are racing against time – end of May 09 deadline – to gather information based on the FLAWED recommendations of the draft scoping report!
For example, respondents are presented with a scenario that suggests the choice is between a tarred road, or a gravel road that is accessible by 4x4s only! This is totally false and clearly aimed at forcing a decision to satisfy the pro-tar lobby.
For the record, there are many, many people and stakeholders who favour a recommendation for the pass to retain a gravel surface, but that is maintained so as to avoid the current situation – a badly surfaced pass accessible only to 4x4s, motorbikes and quads!
We’re racing against time to sensitise IAPs, especially in Lesotho, about the plans, and it is vital that the public also contribute to the discussion. As things stand now, while the process is dealing with stakeholders in SA and Lesotho, we have no idea when the public component is due to be addressed.
But given our experience with the process, we are deeply concerned that a decision is being rail-roaded, and that is WRONG, SHORT-SIGHTED and no doubt for the benefit of those opportunistic vultures looking for lucrative contracts!
So, interested people, please PM me so that 1) we can register you as IAPs urgently, 2) rally the troops for what appears to be an ugly fight ahead, and 3) spread the word about this unethical process.
Finally, I’ll happily declare my interest – beyond the love of gravel riding – in this matter if it is deemed relevant.
