Better tank design for standing?

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Pack Dog
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLR 650
I did a quick search but did not find much on the topic, so:

I have found that when I'm standing(riding sand etc.), it feels like the tank is really in the way roundabout where
my knees are. I was wondering wether there is a tank available that has a little slimmer profile just at the edge of the seat, just so that one has more legroom when fighting with the terrain.
I've seen these guy's tank and was wondering wether there's something similar on the market?


I know of the IMS tank, but it doesn't seem that much slimmer. Also, I am aware that one might lose out on fuel capacity, but for now I'd like to just investigate. I'm OK with losing maybe 3-5L of volume for this.

Also, how difficult would it be to take an existing steel tank and modify it to have the required indentation?

Maybe the problem can even be solved by moving my pegs rearward?