BMW & On Call a joke

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Dec 1, 2009
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BMW R1200GS Adventure
Fellow dogs, those of the BMW variety will feel my pain.

As a previous BMW Motorrad employee, my brand affiliation and support has never been in question. I ride a BMW, I wear BMW and I live BMW Motorrad.

BUT, their On Call "backup" is to be frank ... Kilo alpha kilo.

My Dad broke down after an exhaust valve poo'd itself on his GSA 500km's from Upington a couple days ago. On contacting On Call, he was given the cold shoulder and told they wouldnt be ble to assist. Pardon my french by WTF kind of organisation does not even try?

It gets better, once my Dad had gotten his bike to Auto Luxus in Upington himself, the workshop manager Doos McDoos casually said that there were no head covers or gasket sets in the country! Thats backup of the best degree, thanks BMW!

So...we flew in a complete right hand side from JHB ( Thanks to Brad who always helps out ) to replace the damaged unit to ensure the bike could make it home except it arrived without the gasket set which does get damaged when removing the valve cover. The young mechanic at the dealership was incredible and offered help on the public holiday to fetch the parts and fit them etc etc even buying my old man a beer to "chill" him out.

On further research, our dear Doos McDoos manager checked parts for the WC 1200 when my Dad gave him his VIN number for his pre-DOHC 1200. Ineptitude and bad attitude of the highest level.

In closing : After my Dad had arranged parts, his flight home, bike transport to get his broken banger back to JHB after cancelling his entire trip ( heavily publicised via his company Mala Africa Bike Tours on Facebook ), BMW then offer to pay for his flight, and repair the bike for free. Too little too late.

Has he received a call from On Call? NO. Has he received a call from Doos McDoos? NO

BMW you have let me down, you have let my Dad down and you have damaged your brand for me personally after 15 years of ardent love and support.

I am selling my GSA and will go another route next time. You won't leave me in the lurch when I need you with your empty promises. :angry4:

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