BreedeBash prequal, sequal and the road to warmwaterberg - 40 photos - beware...

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Bachelor Dog
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
I put this on its own - it overlaps a little with it, but it will also in a sense be a hijack of the 'cape breede bash' thread.

We had booked a place in Warmwaterberg for this weekend with other friends of ours about 3 months in advance. When we found out about the 'Bash on Breede' we were naturally upset that it always turns out that we have to end up with more than 1 'nice-to-have' things at the same time...

Lucky Hein said we can come through the Friday night already, as we could any not make it to Warmwaterberg the Friday before sunset and wanted to leave the Saturday only in any case.

So this was the weekend plans then:
Meet up with Surf and Surfette (sorry - that's sommer a silly name I thought up ...) at our place and go over DuToits Kloof to Hein's farm and the Breede campsite - camp the night and continue the next morning to Barrydale where the Surf's would continue to Sedgefield and we would make the last bit of road to Warmwaterberg where we would spend the rest of the weekend and then return on Monday via the back roads and Ouberg pass.

This was the Friday evening on the pass and towards Hein's farm:


The wind 'klapped' us a bit and the light was getting low, so Vicky couldn't take too many 'inride' photos.

We arrived at Hein's farm and 1st had to go in for a quick drink at his house.
What awesome people. Like I said elsewhere, Hein and his family have no shortage on hospitality.

Then it was off to the campsite to pitch our tents and light the fire.

This should look familiar:


Surf used my mattress pump when he noticed that the whine got a little higher pitched if the engine was running. So he got his GSA running and upped the revs a little. Lets just say that the headers got a little hotter than normal operating temperature...


The heat gauge's bars were quite normal and the treatment didn't last for too long, but it still looked impressive.

Then, while I was waiting for him to finish I played with the camera a bit. For some reason I love these photos:


It was then off to the braai area for LOTS of talking crap, laughing, making jokes, having drinks, still more laughs, getting the meat and the braai bread finished and sitting enjoying the clear starry night above us.
Hein still made the comment that you can see that there is moisture in the air by the fact that the stars is so clear and bright.
Apparently he was spot on!

We went to bed somewhere between 02:00 and 03:00 and got up again bright and early the next day.
Some more of the campsite:



At some point we were considering phoning wilddogs that would be there later that day and try and auction off our already pitched tents and prime spots...


Not as busy looking as later that day:

Mielie Malie Maantuig:

We went to Robertson from there to fuel up:

We also went past the turn in the pass where Gooi-Mielies had his hectic crash. That turn is a serious one - corrugation, quite a steep downward angle and a rather tight turn with a long drop on the other side. It can seriously catch you out. I can imagine that many a stranger to the area has gone past there and had either a 'groot skrik', a narrow escape or both...

As we went through Montagu I saw a familiar looking girl talking on a cellphone standing next to a KTM and a Dakar - we turned around to say hi to Camelman (ex NoTar, his wife and his brother - they were on their way to Ronnies and beyond via Ouberg)

We pulled into the bike friendly Country Pumpkin at Barrydale for a very good breakfast:


There was a touring group of about 10 BMW1200's parked outside. We were just putting our gear on afterthe breakfast when we heard the familiar sweet sound of a big KTM twin gearing down and pulling in. Orange KTM with a reflective paw on the front fairing. GoGirl arrived on her way to family for the weekend. She parked between all the BeeEms - to 'try and restore order to the force' :D ;D
It was lekker to see you there and have a quick chat!

(Sorry, no photos at that stage :( )

So then we pulled into Warmwaterberg and unpacked all of our stuff.
We went down to explore and decided to go and have a drink at the restaurant on the outside stoep.
The road to R62 is a couple of meters from the outside 'stoep' and we were just sitting down when we heard the sound of bikes coming.
Camelman's KTM with him and his wife on and his brother with the Dakar close on his heals zipping past towards Ronnies...

We went for a swim/float/getting lazy session later that day:

This guy arrived for some entertainment. He was actually surprisingly good.

Our friends and good company for the weekend in the kitchen of the place we stayed: Me, Sonya and Gavin

There was lots of rather tame peacocks around. It looks like they own the place:

This was the 'possie'(sorry for the out of focus photo - bad light) :

The road out of the campsite:

The road that goes to Route62:

The Sunday early afternoon we heard the sound of a couple of thumpers pulling in and to my pleasant surprise the (infamous) red CTX200 that has become so familiar to me along with a yellow DRZ400, a Dakar and a blue DR200 pulled in to Warmwaterberg.
Trailrider, LetsGoFishing, Saddam and Rooipoot.

I thought they were only passing through, but what a pleasant surprise to find out they were staying the night.
The campsite:

The dawgs:

The refreshments:

LGF and Saddam's bikes:


I can imagine that the power is not comparable with the KTM's, but everything else might be a little easier on this little beast.
I am keeping an eye out for LGF's report, as this was the 'inaugural' ride with his DRZ.
He did say that he found with this bike that the rougher things got the more at ease the bike was and the more he was grinning.
I can totally believe that.
The bike looks awesome.

Rooipoot putting his wide luggage rack and trademark red straps to good use:

It was interesting when everyone was settled in and ready to go the the pool.
We rocked up there and everyone was checking these guys out a little 'skeef'-  a couple of loud, rowdy, scruffy looking guys coming in laughing and chatting...
It wasn't long before everyone in both the heated pools was part of the conversation and joined in making jokes and laughter.
I have not once met or spent time with a group of Wilddogs where I didn't feel them to be absolutely inclusive of everyone there.

Gavin (with whom we booked the weekend with) is also one of the guys who I send regular links to ride reports to, so he already felt like he knew TR and LGF a little through the ride reports. They were also enjoying the banter as if they were part of the group since forever.
Truely a great bunch the Wilddogs are...

By the way, if you are ever in a pool with TR, ask him to do his 'floating dwarf' impersonation...
:D ;D

We (Me, Vicky, Gavin and Sonya) went to the restaurant that evening and went past the kennel on the way back to the house. Lots of delightful silliness and laughs later did we head back up to our beds.

Early coffee the next morning and we were also ready to pack and be on our way. Saddam had to leave earlier, but the other 3 came to say goodbye - they were heading for Barrydale (fuel and food) and then over Gysmanshoek and eventually home.

This was them leaving:

As we came back one of the peacocks was grooming himself and opened up to dry his feathers:

It started raining again, so we decided to go via route62 rather than face some mud and 'snot' around the back...
This was us and Gavin/Sonya stopping at Ronnies. We wanted to have a drink there, but it was closed due to eskom load shedding.

Me on the Vaaljapie:

Then I remembered that I'm a GS rider:

Vicky took this one - I like it:

No comments please:  :D ;D

Vicky and Sonya:

We slabbed it through the rain to Barrydale, where we again saw a Yellow, Red and Blue bike...
Stopped for some coffee and scones and to have one last chat with TR, LGF and RP before they departed.
As we walk in, there's BMWPE, his wife and a friend (also a WD) sitting! Small world.

So we said our goodbyes and were on our way.
Gavin and Sonya went over Tradouws onto the N2 and home and me and Vicky had an uneventful but very pleasant ride home.





Thanks all for making it a very cool weekend.
I really also enjoy bumping into other dogs everywhere. What a great bunch you all are!

'Till next time (next week for some...) - take care and ride safe!
