Check your new bike for restrictors

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Race Dog
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
Kawasaki Super Sherpa
Brought to you as a public service from the anti-global warming and anti-anti-pollution anarcists...

If you have a new or late model motorcycle it might pay to remove the header pipe(s) and check to see if there is a flange or washer or sleeve welded into the neck of the pipe.
It might also pay to check the exhaust outlet in the engine itself.

My new DT 175 has a weld, a washer and a sleeve, reducing the diameter of the first two inches of the header pipe to about the same size as a ten cent piece.
When in reality the diameter of the interior of the header pipe is larger than a 50 cent piece.

Now I know why my old DT 175 (late 80's model) did 110 kph on the highway and about 80 uphill.

My brand new one does about 55 kph uphill and only 90 kph on a straight.

I expect good results once the washer and sleeve is removed.
May also need a needle/carb adjustment, I will let you know.

Talking to a a mechanic mate who does lots of work on brand new bikes of various models he says that most new models (especially new versions of older and unchanged model runs) have restrictors, supposedly to limit outlet gasses and pollution.
Even the new PeeWee 50 has one in the header pipe.

So if you think your bike feels a little strangled, rip off those header pipes and check them out.

Cheers: Jaq the evil global polluter.
(We won't mention all the industrial companies pouring all kinds of filth into our atmosphere by the ton everyday, lets keep bikers as the number one blight of the planet.)