De Wildt with Dual Sports - 21 Nov 2010

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Adventure MX

I am in the mood to do a Dual Sport ride in the De Wildt area on 21th November.  I will be incorporating some of the routes the guys use with there MX bikes.  I will be starting the ride from Marula Sun at about 7:30am.  It can get pretty hot in this area therefore it would be advisable to get an early start.

Skill Level - Intermediate

Terrain you can expect - single and double tracks, sandy riverbeds, rocks, in and out of donga's, perhaps one or two river crossings, and a whole lot of whoops twists and turns.

Necessities - puncture kit, spare tube might be even better, hydro pack, some basic tools, a can of tyre weld, money for snacks and drinks along the route.

In order to make this work it would be advisable not make the group to big, so with this in mind I was think of capping the group at about 10 riders, depending on the interest.

If you are keen on joining let me know.

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