Eastern Cape Bash - A warriors tale.

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Bachelor Dog
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Gauteng - Centurion
Suzuki DR650
It must have been an eldritch night bedecked with strange stars, dear reader, when the mighty and wise old men held council, and so was born in their minds the idea of calling together many noble warriors, that they might make merry and bring hail to a fallen warrior, who went by the name of Watty.

It was thus that I, sir LeonDude, together with the fair Lady Cave Girl and her daughter, the young Pebbles, prepared ourselves for the arduous journey that would take us far, far away to strange and wonderful places, full of mystery and magic, sand-ogres, mud-trolls and monsters that live in rivers.

We loaded up our coach, and, giving our horses the first day of rest, we drove in the coach to the quant and curious village of Colesburg. Here we set ourselves up in a little inn where the landlord was a friend of ours by word only, and he went by the name of Nimmo.


Already in Colesburg we were introduced to the cuisine of the southern part of the country, through which we were to travel for several days before our return to our beloved Gauteng. (Laugh not, fools, for we know where the gold lies buried!)

Here our coach would be left until later, and the next morning we saddled our horses. Now such horses are rare to find, and a mighty breed indeed. They were bred in the far east, and the foreign tongue had called them the KLR650, for whatever reason they only know. (Probably something to do with their gods though, for such a bike should surely be made only in recognition of a great god).


Our destination for today is the picturesque village of Uitenhage. By daybreak our horses are saddled up, saddle bags thrown over and after feeding them we head out of town. Now we are loath to travel the road travelled by the peasants, merchants, highwaymen, policeman and other robbers, and many coaches. We therefore take to the quiet roads meandering through the farms and fields. Our mighty steads thunder through the valleys and over the hills, their well shod hoofs secure around every bend.



Soon we reach the little town of Cradock, and LO! Here, at an eatery well frequented by riders of mighty steads, we find our host of the previous night, Nimmo. He has taken the highway, and is only now going to start adventures into the unknown.

We eat, and then we head to our destination. Now the road is long and the day short, so we must now too take the highway to make up time, and soon, with just a sprinkling of rain to settle the dust and make breathing easier, we reach our destination of Uitenhage.

What strange country are we riding through!


Here is none of the plants we are used to, none of the animals that we are familiar with. The plants are little shrubs, no higher than a man’s hip (and a short man, at that).

We sleep the night at an inn for travellers, where we feed well on meat and ale. Tomorrow, we take on the most dangerous of roads, the Baviaans.