How important is a BMW warranty/guarantee?

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Race Dog
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
How reliable are our BMW bikes, GS or K? Can we risk to ride after a guarantee has expired and be reasonably sure that the bike does not cost one an arm and a leg in maintenance & repairs?

My experience over the last six years on different types & models.

- RT 2007: Rear ESA shock stopped shocking. repaired via software tweek
- GT 2009: Rear shock collapsed, replaced under guarantee
- GT 2009: Oil leak in diff, repaired under guarantee
- RT 2011A: LH control unit replaced four times, under guarantee
- RT 2011B: Starter button replaced, under guarantee
- RT 2011B: Oil leak in diff, repaired under guarantee
- 1200 GS 2011: Front brake master cylinder replaced, under guarantee
- 1200 GS 2011: Battery replaced under guarantee
- 1200 GS 2011: Rear ESA shock replaced under guarantee
- 1200 GS 2011: Front brake master cylinder to be replaced, under guarantee
- 1200 GS 2011: Battery to be replaced under guarantee
- 1200 GS 2011: Head light lens cracked behind protector, replaced under guarantee
- 1200 GS 2011: Some plastic component in engine collapsed due to head and rattled on the timing chain, repaired under guarantee
- 1200 GS 2011: Front fork struts leak oil, repaired/replaced under guarantee
- F650GS: Stuck at roadside, holsensor replaced
- Front mag wheels: Pothole smileys repaired on three different bikes. About R1600 per repair.

Please do not get the feeling that I am not happy with BMW. They are still the best around. The above are spread over 13+ bikes and more than 300 000km.

I will not ride a Beemer without a warranty - if the factory version expired then an aftermarket version is a MUST!

I hope this fred is not starting a negative inflow of other guys' complaints. But then, if it warrants a mention - why not