Lack of "adventure bike routes"

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Race Dog
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Cape Town
Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin
So, it's always nice to take the 4x4 to a nice route (like Matroosberg) where man and machine can shake and rattle over natures obsticles.

The same goes for plottering along jeep track on a friends farm in the Biedouw valley with the bike. The only problem is that the Biedouw is a bit far for a Sunday morning itch and Matroosberg is m'se exspensive these days.

What to do...I'm not in the mood to get stabbed (like a friend of mine did) or robbed at the quarry opposite Zone 7. Neither do I want to be chased of an angry farmers' land with a shotgun 'cause I snuck in without permission.

We have gone up Wiesenhof's trail (not really a 4x4 trail, but still a nice Saturday afternoon diversion) a few times. The view is nice and we usually have a beer or two and a couple of snacks up there.

So I thought, as I once saw two XT's up there, I'll give them a call to just make sure I can go up there with the bike on Sunday.

I got hold of a very friendly lady who asked me whether my bike is noisy, to which I replied "no" ( I wanted to reply :" Well, not as noisy as the drunken bus loads of day visitors you allow in").
I was then passed on to a gentleman who responded: "definitely not".

Well, this was disapointing, but their right and I respect that. 19 years of refusal into campsites because I ride a bike taught me that...

Now, to come to the point: there are MX tracks for MX bikes and quads, and 4x4 routes for 4x4's.

I think there's a definite need for Adventure bike trails, where you can take your nice and heavy AT, GS, 990 etc and go and enjoy a nice trail of singletrack etc without the risk of being shot by a farmer or stabbed and robbed by a squatter...

In the meantime I'll just dream of times like this then...


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