Lion Park Sanctuary Ride

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Mark Hardy

Grey Hound
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure
Sunday morning...raining.....wind.....cold.....gray and just miserable, well, what better way to brighten up the day than go for a ride. ;D. EV organised a day at the Lion Park Sanctuary outside Drakenstein/Stellenbosch. I was instructed to find a ride there for anyone who wanted to join us.  I thought a detour out to Riebeeck Kasteel via Malmesbury would be fun and then ride some of the farm roads back to Stellenbosch.

Well only one other mad hatter joined me, XT660R ( Andy), can't really blame anyone not wanting to get out of bed on mornings like this one. We meet at the arranged time and by 8.00am were on our way. We had to meet EV at the Sanctury at 11.30 so that gave us more than enough time to do the 285km detour.

I did not take many pics as for some reason I just wanted ride the dirt roads until the next tar road, then find the next dirt road and ride that to the tar and so on and so on....maybe because I was cold, wet and having way to much fun. There were some sections of slippery mud but nothing really to worry about, other than that just just good easy going wet dirt roads.

End of the Riebeeck River road

Two happy machines

Excellent place for coffee/breakfast in Reibeek West

Good looking butts  ;)

Andy and I parted ways at the Eskom wind generaters, he had to get back home and I shot off to meet EV at the sanctuary.

EV's little roller skate of a car and my happy dirty machine

Ev will add her report on the sanctuary, this just one of the beautiful cats that have been saved from a life (and death) of becoming easy target.
