Load CN Southern Africa NT map bundled with Zumo 396 onto lap top?

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Pack Dog
WD Supporter
Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
My Zumo came pre- installed with CN Southern Africa NT map- no SD card, etc. On some YouTube articles they show a version of Garmin Express that allows you to install your maps on your lap top. My Express does not show that option- it is the latest version. Garmin SA also told me it’s not possible, but they also told me Kammieskroon is not on my map, because maybe they decided to not included in the latest version of my map! Only after fiddling and farting around did I find out that when you search for a place it only searches in the vicinity where your device was last active  . Being a Google map user up to now where you type in what you are searching for and it finds it in seconds later irrespective how far it from you, the Garmin logic escaped me.

Is there a way of loading the map onto your lap top without having to connect your device to your lap top everytime?