My nasty, dirty BMC air filter cleaned (adults only)

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Grey Hound
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, Colorado
Hildebrand & Wolfmuller (all models)
Having a BMC filter on my HP2, I clean and oil it myself. At least, that’s the idea, as one sometimes forgets. Especially since I had the bike serviced two months/2000km ago. I thought they clean these cleanable filters. Maybe they did, as I have done one or two very dusty trips subsequently.

I did, however, gradually become aware of a bit of a decline in performance. As if ... well, let’s just say the old pony wasn’t quite making me sit up and notice. Slightly sluggish. Almost like a Harley without all the vibration, hard to chrome bits and gay appeal.

So yesterday I quickly sprang into action.

Pic 1: Ahem, what have we here? A rather dusty looking filter! Or as Rocco Ziffredi would say, after doing something nasty to a nasty actress: “Nasty!”

Pic 2: So I decided to whack it on the garage floor to see how much kak would come out. Whoaa, nasty!

Pic 3: Let’s do it again. And again. This is how much dust came off the filter after eight whacks. How nasty is that?!

Pic 4: The dust sweeped into a neat (not so) little heap. Quite nasty.

Thereafter I washed the filter with filter cleaner, let it dry, re-oiled it and put it back.

Result? Whoooa! The frikken bike’s alive again!

And remember, filters have feelings too. How is YOUR boney's filter feeling today?