Sand How do I get my GS1200 to NOT dig in when I stop , and how to pull away

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Grey Hound
WD Vendor
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
The 1200 GS rides sand surprisingly well . I am currently busy training the owner , lots more work there  :deal:  :imaposer:

But what I really struggle with is stopping. Why does she dig such a deep hole in the sand , and why when I pull away does she make the hole even deeper?  She goes down to her belly button . She is such a little piggy !

And tips for cornering sand also appreciated , I know there is a thread on that , but I am still struggling trying to turn her around .
List made from all the input received so far  :

Thanks everyone , got so much information for riding sand , here is my summary , please give more tips, or tell me if I got something wrong   :

1. Drop tyre pressure as low as low as one bar or even lower ( Legadema);
2. Set suspension hard ( Legadema);
3. Look up , stand up (throttle and legs)  ,  open up ( Country Trax) ;
4. When I move off , do so in 2nd gear , 3000 rmp , drop the clutch , onto the pegs and slam my thighs into the tank to push her forward .. and then get up into appropriate gear for speed as soon as possible ( Malibu)
5. Rev hom ordentelik :mwink:  ( Manic, Legadema)
6. Ride aggressively ( Legadema )  , keep the throttle open enough to keep the front wheel light and the rear wheel spinning ( Fidel ), but still smoothly ( Rough Rider) ;
7. Flow with the bike , not try and fight it ( Fidel) ;
8. Have good throttle and clutch control ( Rough Rider);
9. On the GS1200 the clutch only on or off ( Eisbein) ;
10. Don't lean too far back ( Archangel noticed I was hanging on my bars too much ) ;
11. Don't ride too fast ( myself , AlanB );
12. To turn , just throttle back, and get back on the throttle the instant you change direction ( AlanB);
13. If you feel you are about to fall wiggle the bars gently from side to side to to move the sand in front of the front wheel ( AlanB) ;
14. Control where I stop : not facing up hill , stop downhill where I can , and on firmer ground ( Mr Big , Michiel ) (when I ride slower I can control this better also);
but with more practice on I should aim to be able to stop (and start) everywhere (Rough Rider) ;
15. If possible ,don't brake when stopping , use throttle control ( Alan B ) or simply pull in the clutch ( the Malletjie) and if need to brake :  drag back brake slightly until I come to a rolling stop ( Malibu ) ;
16. Can brake with front brake ( Rough Rider ) but that is best left for when I ride better, or not at all ( Mark Hardy and Ettiene) ;
17.No emergency braking , only gentle smooth braking ( Mark Hardy , Rough Rider );
18. Lean back when applying back brake ( Mark Hardy );
19. If stuck in really deep sand , roll her on her side , and drag her to firmer ground, or fill the hole and pick her up( Malibu );
20. Don't ride with a full tank of petrol like I did on Sunday ! ( Kamanya );
21. Don't expect it too be perfect.  Give sand your best shot , but it may have its own ideas , if you need to fall , so be it. ( a friend);
22. Conserve energy ( Fidel );
23.Ride within your limits ( Rough Rider );
24. Practice, practice and practice ( 2 stroke Dan ); :thumleft:
25. Ry net die blerrie ding ( Ettiene )    :biggrin: >:D
