Solo - Breedtsnek via Service roads and canals

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Race Dog
Nov 12, 2011
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I decided the morning to have a ride out to visit and stay over at an old friend/working colleague of mine at a lovely place on the other side of Harties close to Rustenburg but not close enough for all your SPAR quick's to get, and to return via Breedsnek the next day. Just before 15h00 with maps prepared on the Etrex and small overnight bag we "the trusty V and I"  are off. The planned route did not went as planned as the "tracks were taken from the section Share your routes" it was ridden by plastics and there is no way in hell I alone could cross railway tracks without a proper road laid out for us. Never the less the weather was not bad it did rain 2 days ago so who cares...the over the rail crossing's did not happen as I had to skip this and found a under the rail the 2nd one that were not flooded I could pass through,,,this lead me way off the planned route ....sorry but there was no pictures of this as I was to upset with the construction work going on at Garankua settlement and the locals were staring at me as I was from another planet...eventually back on track again....
First stop after a decent stretch along the railway few wet patches here end there.


The crossing over the R80 Mabopane highway


Stopping for a breather as I was no longer in the rural area’s anymore , looking behind me of  what could be expected for the rest of the days driving, luckily I did not try to cross the railway as can be seen these rails are still very much in daily use.

Moving away from the service road after I missed the turn off  to reach the tar section and cross a very busy intersection


Had to slow down for the local traffic as there was no pointsmen to regulate the congestion  as this team was scattered  over a few 100 metres

The first section of mud is behind me and had to cross the Lethlabile road for another stretch of dry road on the outskirts on the northern part of Brits before entering the small town.


Already went through Brits and on this gravel piece pulled over to admire the view of the big trees along the road that is creating this nice shady area.

One of the few snot patches on the first part of the section just before I would reach the beginning phase of fatigue that is kicking in.

I dodged the existing road for 300m I was travelling on and decided to follow this grassy slippery track and made it through without any hassles. The existing road was not negotiable

After the battling through the alternative  grassy slippery road I found myself in a very bad situation where I have already dropped the bike due to fatigue and lack of concentration,this 2km stretch took me 15 min to straddle through, turning around was no option. Backtracking on the gps showed 1.5km’s and  ahead another 2km’s and there is no way in hell I would be able to turn around on this piece of  mud. So I pushed through for the rest of the difficult section and decided I will bail out as the time spent on this 2km was dreadful and the sun is starting to say goodbye as I still had another 40km’s left and did not want to be riding around on these roads in these muddy conditions.


The hostess Marita, Frans wife, they made me feel so welcome.

Overall view of the route travelled and I could not believe myself when I realized that I spend more than about 5 hours on that 152km

The backyard of  Frans place, which is situated on the Rietfontein  turn off  hidden in this nice tranquil area and the names given to the lodges are derived from the natural surroundings, Shady lodge Bushy lodge and Lake lodge, absolutely stunning.



On my departure the next  morning just a quick pic of the turn off and before the start of return trip for the day.

On my way I saw this old rusty beast and had to take a pic of it seems that the owners of this place are no longer using the entrance anymore I’m wondering if there are actually people staying here.

So I reached the summit at Breedtsnek the road condition after the rains were not wet at all but there were lots and lots of sandy  patches nothing to be worried about.  On the way up there were 2 cyclist’s huffing and puffing their way up all the way from Skeerpoort and back again.


A view just a little bit further down in a northern direction


I just had to inform  my wife that all is ok so far on the route and send her this beautiful little flower

These oak’s  sitting in the road are all over the place as soon as you come closer they make like mist and disappear.

Some of the views next to the road , it seems it was mating season as there were a lot of blue monkeys in the area but again before you can get close to them they are gone, so only one glimpse of them is the shade up in the tree.



A quick stop to get an idea of what the forces of nature is capable of it can be easily seen in what direction the mighty  waters were flowing.


So the road surface was really not that bad and I was not concentrating on the gps anymore,  I came across these springbokkies next to the fence and then realized that I have missed the turnoff about 3km’s back and had to turn around.



On the actual turnoff direction to Skeerpoort



These  oaks staying around here  really does not  know how to use the water  sprinklers.

Back at home after an enjoyable safe ride.

Overall view of the route returning

....the tracks I will add later in the routes section.