Sorry for the Wheelies

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Wheelies on public roads may be considered reckless acts of immaturity. I am of the camp that believes that when touring attitude is 90% of the job and if the wheelies keep things in perspective, let em rip.

Having said that, I am a guest in your country so I will also commit myself to not put others in the way of excessive harm. In other words, we will be looking around first.

So, the wife and I have arrived a few days ago in CT from Oregon. We will be renting and riding a GS from CT to Kruger from 9/14 to 9/and back during a brisk 11 day journey. The plan is take the N2 out and drop down to the N1 before Nysna and then heading through Durban and Joberg then on to Kruger and back.

Please let us know if you have any must see recommendations while we are in your fine country and thanks a ton in advance!

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