The extremes of learner riders abilities.

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Pack Dog
Apr 12, 2022
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Honda XR125L
I'm sure you've all seen videos of first time riders wiping out or crashing into trees and wondered how on earth they managed to do that!
Well, I had examples of 2 opposite extremes right after each other earlier this week.
A 19 year-old male spent the first hour of a 2 hour lesson on my Puzey 125 scooter, up to the point of doing tight turns through parking bays and cars at a nearby shopping centre.
He spent the next hour of his lesson on my Yamaha XTZ125 and was even changing gears smoothly.
The next learner was a lady in her early 30's, who insisted starting on a bike and not a scooter.
After about 10 minutes of verbal and practical, pre pull-off instruction, including both of us walking alongside the bike while pulling off, as well as me putting my hands over hers, onto the grips, she managed an assisted/nudged by me - pull-off, while I jogged alongside her. I picked up the pace just before the first bend and told her to just follow me but somehow she just accelerated smack-bang into a tree!
Fortunately, she was OK but my li'll XTZ wasn't!
She then agreed to start learning on my scooter but after one too many close shaves, while being dragged about holding onto it's carrier, I suggested we check out her balancing abilities on my bicycle (something I should always do first)
I've since managed so straighten the XTZ's handlebars vs mudguard and with some Q-bond and cable ties, managed to somewhat restore it's plastics.
I have to say most of my new retirement job is very enjoyable though.