Time Well Spent

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Bachelor Dog
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Yamaha T7
What better way to spend Father/Son time, than the awesome pastime of motorcycle riding?

Not allot of things one can do together that's so much fun, the ride took place from our farm in Ladismith all along the local roads.

We trailered the bikes up, the dog was not happy about it  :biggrin:

Burnt out little car just as you come out of the tunnel

I spent most of the weekend riding the new track at the farm, lots'a rocks and hillclimbs, anyone's welcome to come try it..but it's done at own risk  :deal:

We decided to take a little ride on Sunday morning, we did most of the routes that would have been done at this years Outriders Dual Sports festival.
So Sunday morning we set off, one XT660, and a DRZ400
At the farm gate:

The Dad

We have had a loooong drought in the area, but we were lucky to get some rain the last week which brightened up the area abit

Gravel, nom nom nom

The turnoff to Montagu

Waiting for the Dad

The Dad passing


Tok Tokkie was there ;D

There was some flash floods in the Anysberg area, and allot of roads were washed away, the route was littered with "Flood Damage" signs

This is more like it

The dryer areas

The road led to this game reserve

The story goes that the guys bought it etc. but a public road runs through it, and they couldn't get permission to officially close it off, so entry is free. Beware though there ARE white lions, elephants, rhinos etc. You wont outrun them...but you just have to outrun your riding buddy...

...luckily the drz's fast  :biggrin:

Signing in

The Zimbabwean said we must have a nice "cycle", and please not go faster than 50km/h, I was just focused on not getting killed by some animal

Animal warning signs

Those are Rhino droppings ..eek

Some deadly Gemsbokke, they are there, look closely, they are eyeballing us  :patch:

And signing out on the other side, me not having a nr plate does cause some confusion towards the Zimbabweans, its like a, errr... uhm.. eh? Noh numba?  :biggrin:

Last place you'd ever want to stall, that's electric fencing on the ground there


Loooong straight roads

Some beautiful scenery along the way

The Dad passing

We got back to the farm , having done only like 200km's, some amazing roads right in our back garden, and I consider myself very privileged to be able to partake in this sport and share it with me Dad.
