Tulbagh -karasburg- Back via.... solo!! now with pics...

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Race Dog
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
Toolbag, Grunau
Yamaha T7
I had to bring this up as helping Mike brought me some applause, but on this trip I was on the receiving end of people doing something great.

Ok so this is my first ride report hope it is O.K!!

I planned to do a solo trip from home to Karasburg doing all the riding on gravel.
So I left 24 Des from Tulbagh to Karasburg at 6 the mornin.
My Gs 800 was stripped of al extra’s and loaded to go to stealer as I traded it for an Hp2, however when I left for Cpt on Wed they notified me that the HP 2 Owner is not selling anymore. I thought my trip was over, however my Father said I could use his GS 1200!!!!(dankie pa).

I loaded the boxer with 2 spare tubes compressor plugs,patches, rubber maller, tyre levers, sat phone and 2 liters of water. And strapped a 7l bladder to the bike for reserve fuel.

I was lucky as the scooter got brand new heidi’s 1000km back. So hopefully my flats would be limited (niks hopenlik).

So 6 bells I left town and headed for the highway. This being my first long ride of more than 500 on one day adv biking. Refilled fuel at ceres and let the 1200 run towards Calvinia.

Got to Calvinia at around 8.00 and refueled the scooter and my stomach at Mile 250.
Left for Loeriesfontein on some backroad and had a Dice with the local Lewis store bakkie !!! Got to loeries with no real excitement and refueled for the long haul to pofadder.

Now from here is a road I have never travelled so new sights. Followed the road to Granaatboskolk to about 70km out of loeries and turned left. Then came to a small salt pan and stopped to take pics.

(This is where I would place pic if I knew hOW!!!!!)

Next moment I hear a pofadder hissing pappie and I don’t smaak it when snakes creap up on me so I jump around and don my meanest biker pose to detere the serpant when I realise it is the BMW!!!!!


Salt crystal puntured my new Heidie’s and peter is nowhere near to help Heidi, just me!!

So before you can say AGENYS I rip my bumbag of take out the pliers and a plug smeer some tyre patch juice on the plug and remove the crystal....it breaks in halve and I hear the soundtrack from 24 creaping up on me as I am loosing sky from my tyre!!!!

I grab my screwdriver and remove the last piece of the crystal, plug the hole rip a co2 bomb from my bumbag and inflate the tyre to a cool 2.5 bar, thus saving the day like jack bower from 24.

I resumed my travels towards the R  385 and onwards to Pofadder. In pofadder I refuel and get a vetkoek at the Total outside town.

Onwards towards Onseepkans I expect to C many dirty people’s here as the name states DISSOAPCHANCE = no chance of getting soap here.

I almost colide with mother eart at a steady 140km/h as i descent into the river basin as my 19 inch front decides that the middelmannetjies is to big for her. However with my poephol locked in the (ooh boelie hier kom mis) position I save it. If the dakar chopper was above me I would have been on the reruns everyday.

Over the border and into Nambabwe home of the free and riders that are brave. I push on to Karasburg at a steady rate of knots as the sun starts beating down on me.

I enter town 7hr 52min and 728km later that is not bad for an 1200 dual bike I thinks.

I rode into my inlaws yard as the people of Karasburg aplause!!!
