Bikerology 101a

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Andrew to most
Staff member
Global Moderator
Feb 6, 2006
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Cape Town, deep in the lentils
KTM 990 Adventure
So what type are you?

Let’s put psychometrics into biking terms for the non-psychobabblers in class today.

Remember that no-one is just one type. All people are a combination of at least 2 of the below. One having a bit more dominance. You may have an aversion to one.

(If long winded things are not your style start at the bottom of the post and work your way up)

Introverted Thinkers or "Cool Blues":

Don’t ask to ride their bikes they won’t let you, in fact just touching their bike will produce a measured, cold, low key warning and instant end to any potential friendship. Even if the designer of the bike pitched up, it would be tough to let him ride it, but, he would be inundated with questions about everything about their bike. In a word they are “particular”. Has farkles that you may not notice straight away, or, is high quality, well supported and functional. Bike is often spotless. It is an object to be understood.
Meticulous about stuff, they have rules that will be followed, (might be called anal by fellow bikers). They have systems for most things. Overly logical, they have systems or “rules” for almost every aspect of their biking world. Gear and helmet for example always needs to go back to its place.
Prefer to go ride alone or with one or two others. Or, might be very keen to join a notably organised outfit that has experts involved. Not that keen on loud noisy social bike events where privacy can be invaded.
Probably knew more about their bikes than the dealer, mechanics or salespeople do before they even bought them! The buying process is influenced by how well the sales person knew their product. It will also be an almost endless inquisition about the options list.
Don’t hug them, they have large personal space boundaries. Never dig around in their gear!
They buy low key but high quality, and want only the best.
On a fun ride will take a while to have a conversation with strangers, and will want to take and keep notes and know on exactly how far and where the route is going to go. Have at least one list somewhere nearby. Get very upset it suddenly, for no apparent reason the agenda is changed. They listen to you to see if you know what you are talking about.
Low appetite for risky riding or tricks. Can appreciate skill but cannot be goaded into “showing off”. Are pretty good at following coaching but tend to over analyse everything. Remains calm in a crisis, prioritising needs as they crop up.
Will read the manual cover to cover before even attempting to ride. Will probably ride on reserve to find out how far reserve will actually get them.
Can often quote interesting or obscure facts about performance, measurements, history, parameters or tolerances.
Fears embarrassment or abrupt or random changes to the ride program.
If they appear irritated after a ride it is probably with themselves about a technique or issue with the bike.
Only if they really know the group well can they be asked to say something or do the MC thing and will probably be low key and employ that special kind of wit that take some a bit of time to catch because it is so smart.

Introverted Feelers or "Earth Greens":

Will agonise over not letting you ride their bike and probably relent if pushed. If really not keen will endeavour to say no in the nicest possible way and be irritated that they said yes whilst being still friendly. Has invested in farkles that make life comfortable for both them and pillion. Bike will look lived in, not ratty, cannot see the point of a new bike every year. They feel the bike has a personality or soul. If the bike goes through some rough handling might even apologise to the bike.
Unless very drunk are often the peacemakers in a fight.
Meticulous about people, very caring, sharing, patient and relaxed. The whole point of biking is the experience, harmony and consensus. Can be easy going if the trust factor is high.
Will readily ride with like valued type people, often forsaking their own needs for others. (riding sweep)
Will seek to know more about the dealer, mechanic or salespeople and will buy the bike based on how much they trust these people or recommended they came. Wants to be treated well as a person and not a number but when this does not happen will seldom confront but just move on.
Very comfortable with personal space, “come sit here and chat”. Relaxed and gets along with most except the high ego strength people. If treated wrongly or lied to will forgive but never forget. Can get exceedingly stubborn on the principle of a thing.
They will buy trusted products and will have very strong brand loyalty. Will feel hugely guilty if needing to brand swap.
Will be very keen to do rides that have a cause or charity attached to it.
On a fun ride will constantly be on the lookout for others and will get to know you really well. They listen really well and are compliant to a point. Will give up their last tube in a crisis. Quite humble about their skills.
Will ride most places or try a few tricks if they know that you support them. Can’t be goaded into doing something through competition or ego games. Passive resisters to change in the program.
Will read the manual but it’s not that important. Though info relating to them directly will appeal. Letters from the manufacturer/dealer/salesperson the personal touch is all important and appreciated if it is not mass mail.
Not that interested in the details is more about the people.
Fears disorganisation and interpersonal conflict in the riding group
Will get irritated on a ride when no consideration or understanding is given to both themselves and others.
They will speak warmly and with great insight about individuals if asked to.

Extroverted Feelers or "Sunshine Yellows":

Will insist you ride their bike, and will try to talk you into buying one too if you impress them or they like you. Pretty easy going about their stuff. They are not shy to put stickers on their bikes. Can be very impulsive about purchases, often buying stuff that they later may regret or not need. Often has the latest farkles and spends way past what was budgeted. The bike is an extension of their personality. Bike can be filthy or really shiny, depends on the day.
Total abhorrence of rules and surprises and impulsive decisions are always welcomed. Likes to be liked and is very sociable in groups.
Riding alone is fun for a while but doing it for too long and the novelty wears off and can be boring - the more the merrier! Anytime is a good time.
Probably knows a lot of people who bike and is friends with everyone, even competitive dealers, mechanics and salespeople. Has about 500 close buddies.
No problem with hugging and will physically pull you into their embrace, probably over uses flattery and optimism.
They may have gone out to buy and ironing board for the wife and came home with a bike and didn’t even get to the ironing board shop!. If it makes them look and feel good can be persuaded to buy it on the spot.
They can’t help doing a bit of showing off for the cameras on a fun ride and are often doing and wearing the over the top stuff.
Can be talked into doing anything if you lean on their sense of image. High appetite for risk. Probably are an insurance risk.
Have never read the manual unless nothing else has worked and even then they will battle to find where they left it. Over optimistic about their or their bikes ability. The tire is half full.
In conversation with them you might battle to get a word in edgeways, and they can often win arguments with zero knowledge of the topic that they are arguing about. No stranger to exaggeration - "it’s pointless telling a story if it is not going to be interesting!" You might find them saying something along the lines of, “that’s enough of me talking about me, what do you think of me”
Fears lack of social acceptance and being rejected by the group. FOMO practitioners – (fear of missing out)
Will get irritated on a ride when they are forced to stick to the plan and there is no flexibility or fun and become rebellious and vocal in a charming way.
Hard to stop them from being the MC, they will readily volunteer and then may say inappropriate things.

Extroverted Thinkers or "Fiery Reds":

IF you ask to ride theirs, might tell you to “fuck off” straight to your face or challenge you to a race, then will only let you on to their bike if you beat them. Farkles are functional and the best and they are not shy to tell you about them. Bike will be clean, or the dirt must tell a story.
They will aspire to ride the “best” bikes and will work hard to make that happen.
Meticulous about goals, and status. Does a lot “I” talking. Tells you rather than asks you. Dominates conversation, not scared to tell you why or where your riding can improve.
Riding is either a competition with themselves or others. Or an opportunity to dominate or organise others in the group. Can be “my way or the highway” type. Will readily mix with people of like ability but show irritation at the useless ones or those who ride way better than them.
The dealer mechanics and salespeople are there to do a job, and that is to be of professional high grade service to them. And will rate them only either as “good” or “shit”.
Very direct way of greeting and shaking hands might be an opportunity to test you, hugs are hard for them.
Their bike will be the best. It’s a competition obviously!
On a fun ride it can turn into competition and they will rub your nose in it when you get to the end. If you beat them, it was obviously not a completion, just a fun ride!
Can be talked into riding most places if you lean on their ego’s. High risk tolerance if ego is attached to it.
Manuals are for the mechanics to have read unless there are a few pages with their name Embossed and in Capital letters - those bits might be framed.
A conversation is mostly one way affair with you being expected to listen. Conversation is opinionated and sometimes competitive. Will find it difficult to speak in a low key voice, often quite loud and direct. Will listen only if you a Dakar finisher and secretly know they could do better.
Fears loss of control, so if on a group ride everyone goes another way against their wishes there could be sparks. Or fears being seen as too light hearted. Will get visibly pissed off if people are late for a meeting point or disorganised.
You will know when they’re irritated and why - they’ll tell you what the fuck you did wrong. Won’t often be heard saying, “OK, let’s do it your way”. Most people are considered either as peers or subordinates and treated as such.
They’ll volunteer you to be MC, very good at delegating. Speeches will be to the point and direct and sometimes about themselves and jokes will be at the expense of others. Will not willingly make a fool of self.

Which two are you?

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