bizarre braking issue

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Grey Hound
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
I experienced something on Saturday which I cannot put logical sense to. ( 2017 GSA )

I was out doing some errands and had already done one stop. After the next one I jumped back on the bike and felt it wouldn't roll....the brakes were bound. I could ride it but feared for the discs overheating. I thought I'd best head for home but felt that with every stop it got worse. All levers felt fairly normal. After about a mere 100m I stopped at a Stop street and that was it. I couldn't move it.

While standing there in intense frustration organising a recovery, I thought I'd try put it on the mainstand to see if the rear was perhaps free....I could not even rock it backwards to get it on the stand! However, a few minutes later I could....and the rear wheel was free, and then the front rotated albeit not 100% free, WTF...anyway,so I pushed it out of the road onto the verge ( Yes, it was standing in the middle of the road much to the annoyance of others  ::) ) By that time my better half had arrived and when I said I could ride it home she protested vehemently, understandable so. ::) It had to be checked out anyway.  :dousing:

We got it to Beaming Bikes where Donovan kindly met me to open the shop. He immediately spotted my shorty levers and asked how long I'd had's been a while, it's not like they've recently been put on. He did comment on my set up in that I have almost no free play. A logical perception I guess. Anyway he's going to put it on the diagnostics this morning to see what it shows, if anything.

Watch this space.