OK, so you have more than 2 GREAT Bikes...........NOW WHAT??

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petri oosthuizen

Gentleman Dog
WD Supporter
WD Vendor
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 600 Z
Really REALLY great scoots, you cant stop looking at them, pamper them, thinking about them all day long, its some kind of really weird almost LOVE AFFAIR that even your wife starts raising her eyebrows, although trying her best to understand/accept your obsession with these 2 pieces of metal welded together, standing on 2 tyres.
You ride both, being VERY careful to spend the same amount of time, love and attention to both.
Its like those Sheiks having a Harem........everyone seems happy, but who the fuck do you take to bed tonight??
I have this problem.
And no its NOT a nice problem, a cup of tea is nice, a double Richelieu with Full Cream Coke even nicer. This is not nice, its a problem.
I have these 2 cool old Mama's vying for my attention (vying - correct word?)
A 1983 XT 600 Tenere
And a 98 BMW 1100 GS Anniversary.
And I need to know which one to take on my next trippie, lets say around a 1000km trippie, down to KZN Midlands or wherever I feel like pointing the front tyre, but basically in that direction.
Bettie, The Old XT:

She's cool (like in fucking UBER cool, like in I'm pissing ice cubes when I'm on her and getting off somewhere)
Reliable, hasnt skipped ONE beat in maybe around 6/7000km I did on her
She's light in relative terms (seriously - MUCH lighter than many modern bikes, and sure as hell a LOT lighter than the GS)
She has a kickstarter. Never let me down, really NO issues with starting her. That is just SO SO SO cool, having a coffee or a dop somewhere, and kicking her into life
She looks like a Million Bucks.........to me anyway. That small compact haunches, big tank, dropped handlebars, plush seat, everything just OOZES sexiness.
She handles WAY kakker than the GS on tar.
She's light and nimble on gravel, but the GS is, too - on the gravel I do
She sound like a Million Bucks...............PRRRRRRRR on inclines, GRRRRRRRR on declines. Dit laat my tollie sommer so bewe.
She vibrates, and wears you out - I did almost 500km in one day on her some time back, and was totally FUCKED, went to sleep after 3 doppe.
She also "fits" my open face helmet, I just let her cruise at 100 all day long, and tuck in behind that screen.........
She is a GREAT camping companion, I have nice Enduristan Luggage that fits her like a glove, really a VERY easy camping mate, this XT. No need to worry about pap batteries etc etc in the morning. AND yes - chicks just DIG her in camping sites. They dont really look at me though, but nou ja. I like playing hard to get anyways.
Griet, The Old GS 1100:
She's ohhhhhh so comfy. Low seat, I'm short and I feel Im sitting "inside" instead of on top
Goes like HELL, this 1100 Boxer.
She's a Boxer, with a diff, I have had the years ago, and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the "design" of the thing, and the "History" behind it all
She's quite a bit more comfy on tar than the XT
Somewhat more "clumsy" on gravel BUT also not really. This is a stand-up bike, if you ride her standing up and use your body, she's as sweet as can be and VERY forgiving
She has a heat gauge, fuel gauge, ABS and Heated Grips. Oh, and yes, electric starter. And a Gear Indicator - actually VERY nice, just glancing down and knowing you're in 4th (her favourite)
Yes, and she has electic starter. I can tell you all "kickstart is NOT that bad bla bla bla", but that happy button IS the preferred way - all else being equal.
She will handle a load better - when packed, I know she just will. Had GS's before.
She's not NEARLY as "cool" as the XT, and doesnt give me that Cool /Old School feeling that My XT does. Not even nearly.
She has tubeless rims, something I just LOVE. I dont have the faintest idea how to change a tubed tyre, and have ZERO intention/will to start learning now
She has this AMAZING sounding zost, its a Laser thingie, VERY VERY nice, you actually "feel" that Boxer SO much more. Her zost whatchamakolits have also been removed (cats??), so this thing FUCKS OFF big time.

..............THAT is my Dilemma.
On my next Biking Trip(pie)..............which one to take, and worst of all..............WHO STAYS HOME???

There must be LOTS of you Guys with more than 1 Bike. And you love them ALL.

What makes YOU decide what tool to use??