Ride Report Guidelines

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Grey Hound
Staff member
Global Moderator
Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
Hilton KZN
Boss Hoss (all models)
1. The Ride Report section is sacred to the Wild Dog Forum. It is a section that should contain nothing but positive thoughts and comments, a section that advertises our member's passion for motorcycling and allows that passion to be shared with the Wild Dog community and anyone else interested in reading the report.

2. If you found a Ride report interesting or enjoyable, then please add your positive comments or questions, but do not hijack a persons Ride Report by adding your own story to someone else's Ride Report.

3. Do not disrupt a member's Ride Report with any kind of personal attack. If you have a problem with the author of the Ride Report or anything said in the Report, take it up with him via Personal Message or start your own thread in the Jou Ma or General Bike Related Banter sections. Ride Reports  is not the appropriate section for entering into debates. Pissing all over someone's Ride Report will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

4. The Ride Reports Section is the most important part of the Wild Dog Forum, therefore the Forum Moderators will take a zero tolerance stance towards violations. The bottom line is very simple: If you have nothing positive to add to a Ride Report, rather just keep quiet.

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