Alternative Ride 2nd March

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z
We met at the usual place in Richwood,Today a little later at 07h00 for 07h30.
This was so Camelman could have that extra shot the night before and still make the ride.
I was there at 06h45 and the first to arrive was Giraffe.
All told the following riders came.

XXX                KTM 990
Camelman      KTM 950
Graffe             KTM 640
Sprocketbek   KTM 640
Tok Tokkie     BMW 650 Dakar
XT660R          XT660R
GoGirl             KTM950
Spy                 TTR250
E-Maxx            KTM 950 SE

We got away at 07h50 and the morning was cool, we no sooner hit the road when XXX 990 came flying by.
Luckely only I knew where we were going , so he had to wait at the next intersection.

At the end of Occudale road.



Down the Track


We had an aerial visitor


One  of our re-grouping stops
Left, E-Maxx , Sprocketbek , XXX (Very Tall) , Spy


Tok Tokkie doing his thing at one of the gate open and closings


XXX`s KTM 990  didnt quite make the 1000 km mark , because at 911 km(ironically)  he hit the deck and christened that shinny 990 . And I did warn tham all " Keep to the RH Track , its not what it seems " Anyway , no harm done.

The next casualty was , Spy`s  front tyre , one to many thorns , so we changed the tube promptly (once ! )
Giraffe had decided earlier to take out the thorns in his front tyre and had a slow puncture , which he kept at bay with tyre weld.
I must say that GoGirl has really picked up her pace and rides very well now.
We got to Moorreessberg in record time , even with the puncture stop.

The Ou Toppies having a break !
GoGirl (not really an ou toppie) and Tok Tokkie


We were about 4 kays into the next section when some farmer had put a fat lock on a gate,which is actually a public road.
Never the less , we back tracked and got onto the two spoor at Witterberg.
I rotated the leaders so that the faster riders had a chance  not to eat so much dust.
We stopped at Koringberg for the usual COLD BEER and a 30 min. breather and then hit the road again.( Many thanks to XXX for picking up the tab)

Oh ja ! and did I mension the gates,which were all opened and closed


The bridge over the Berg River


Now we were hungry for that Piketberg Mountain road.

The WD kept a steady pace  so there was very little waiting.

On to Goedverwagt and up the mountain , all went well and we stopped under some Bluegums near the summit for a breather. We just pulled away and about 500 m on , I came round  a corner and narrowly missed a cow in the road.
After which we  proceeded to the top, wow ! what a view looking down  into the valley.They say you can see Tablemountain on a clear day.

The view where that the younger folk thought they could see Table Mountain(Proberbly the camera`s eye sight too !)


We made our way down a very steep road to the Piketberg Spur and had a late lunch.

The view of the Cederberg far away in the distance.


When we got there E-Maxx and Camelman had to head back home.

The rest of us had lunch , refueled and looped back on the 2 spoor road to re-do the last strech of our ride back to Koringberg.
The last time I went down this piece of road was about 2 months ago. And I was just picking up a good pace when  " Hello " where did this sinkhole come from ?
I leaned back , kept the throttle open and flew over that hole , my front wheel missed it and my back wheel didnt.My rear wheel bottomed out and went straight through the plastic under my seat, my rear break calliper made a massive dent in my rh Akropovik. But miraculously , I never fell off the bike.
I had to take all my tools out from under the seat and carry them in my ruck sack.

We followed the road through Koringberg ,back onto the tar and turned Left at Moorreessberg to travel at highspeed on a gravel road  to Malmsbury.

Here we bid farewell to each other and made our way home.
Thanks all for making this  yet another great ride..
Baie moeg nou !
Will do the pic thing in the Morning.

(Some of these pics were from the reccie)