A bitch joins the pack..

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Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Yamaha TW200
Riding bike has been a childhood dream.  Only later, when I met the right man to introduce me to biking, did it actually become a reality.  I rode pillion for the first 4 years and felt intimidated by the size of the DS bikes which put me off riding myself, I'm a small framed lightweight.


We decided that I needed to start somewhere to learn to ride and paid Yamaha a visit to search for the ideal beginners bike.  I saw the TW200 and fell in love at first sight.  So be it then that 2 days later Jerrycan rode my brand new TW home for me and then the endless late night practice riding sessions started in empty parking lots.  Jerrycan was adamant that I be capable of safe riding practice before I could go on the road.  Then started the off road training, first in parks with soft grass.



By now I had my learners licence and we tackled our first trip, 220kms to Northwest, ending on a farm with nice sand and gravel.  Jerrycan would patiently cruise along with me on his Beemer, securing lanes on the highway for me when I needed to change direction.



After a lot of confidence building in a sandy patch on the farm I was ready to ride sand, well, only I got too comfy and the TW threw me off for I closed throttle when I was supposed to open it.  Minor fall with a slightly bent brake lever AND I picked my bike up all by myself.

Two years later now and Jerrycan also got himself a TDub and we are having buckets of fun. 

For those thinking I'm a poser doll on a bike, go check out our ride reports for Dec and look at these pics first...



But I can pose too..


Proud to be a member of the pack..


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