Backpack, bike .... let's go explore !

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Grumpy Mutt
Jan 30, 2006
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After having the mind numbing experience of sitting in N1 traffic for the past two weeks I decided it was time to head out, somwhere with no traffic 8) Having no real idea where to go I headed out to Rayton and past the Riverside Mixer bash which looked like it was packed, but as I've said I wanted to avoid crowds so I kept on going until I got the dirt roads leading to the quarry. Knowing that it's going to be dirt all the way I decided to let down the tyre pressure.


Heading along the railway line I spotted a trail heading alongside and up the mountain, things looked promising ! Eventually I came across a path that lead towards the mountain.


The sandy track turned into a rocky singletrack, things became interesting.


It was also bloody hot and a shady tree made for a perfect place to stop.


Bit further on I parked my bike to take a picture only the hear the DRZ come crashing down on it's right side :evil: I parked it upright and gravity did the rest, I felt like a royal po*&pol ! The brake lever snapped on the very end and the headlight came undone. No biggie though I just hooked it back into position and off we went.


In some places it was so tight the bike barely fit through the gap in the trees, gotta love it !


Then things turned tricky, small rocks became bigger rocks and even huge boulders to navigate.





I've never been to tennis ball rocks or whatever that place in De Wildt is called but here I found my own tennis ball sized rocks !


Traction was a problem as the uphill was pretty steep, every now and then I would hit a big rock and get knocked off to the side of the trail and end up doing a duck walk as I tried to keep the bike upright :shock: :D Some places I just got off and pushed the bike, howcome it has more traction with less weight on it ? Eventually all sweaty and dog gone tired I reached the top and had a good view of the trail snaking it's way up the mountain. Going down always feels easier.



Turned out to be great fun indeed and not even one fall going up or down which is always good. I had some time left and decided to head to Rayton via the railway road for a cold coke and something to chow. I did this section with Plothond and Redrider a while back.


Ten kays later I had my coke and some biltong to munch on. Biltong, bushveld and a dirtbike aaah TIA ... this is Africa :D
