Belgian overlanders - new in South Africa!

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Dec 18, 2010
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Yamaha XT660
Two guys were planning a motorbike trip from Belgium to South Africa via Tunesia, Libia, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopie, Kenia, Uganda,Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Namibie. All went well untill the girlfriend of one of them wanted to join. One major problem: the girl has no experience at all with bikes, and off cource no motorbike licence. She confinced her boyfriend to do it in a 4x4.  So they bought a Yamaha XT 660 and a Toyota landcruiser hzj75 and modified these two vehicles to be Africa-proof. This is the beginning of a wonderfull story.

Hello to all the members,

lets introduce ourselves:
Johan Meynzer: i am the biker. 7,5 months on the same bike with no major troubles. Only my bud hurts once in a while, bud(t) it is still duable. It is a very nice experience to do this trip on a bike. The changing off scenery is fascinating. From the sanddunes in Libia through the simien mountains in Ethiopie. The plains in Kenia and the greens in Uganda.
Steven Van Den Heuvel: I am the driver off the toyota landcruiser. If somethings is wrong with the 4x4 ( and that was not often) i always take a look myself. So i do quite a good bush repair.
Stefanie Proost:i am that girl. Steven let me never drive the 4x4. Only wen he is very tired. My job during the travel is the coordinaton, GPS, mapping, planning, cooking, washing,... so i do everything besides driving.


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