Chain breaking on NC700

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
KTM 690 Adventure
Wifey has a 2012 NC700X (manual) that she commutes with every day. She does not ride hooligan at all (at least not while I'm with her  :lol8:) and loves her "rooikappie" to bits. The chain has snapped twice now. First time was about a year ago and it broke the rear body panels in the process. Insurance fixed it all and we had Honda do the repairs (including chain replacement).

Yesterday it happened again. Both times were at highway speeds (on the highway, of course). This time though, it did not break body panels so I'll leave the insurance out of this one.

Could this be some alignment issue between the front/rear sprocket? Or is it likely just bad luck? The sprocket is still in good nick, so uneven/strange wear on the sprocket can be ruled out. I googled this and it does not seem to be something that happens a lot. Apparently it does sometimes happen with non-riveted chains (those with the C-spring type master link) so I made sure that Honda fitted a riveted chain last time. It was a regular O-ring chain. We also lube the chain every time she washes the bike.

I'm wondering though what would cause the chain to break twice? Any ideas?