Confidence ride

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Race Dog
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
BMW (all models)
When we still had our camping trailer, it was named MODJADJI, the rain queen. It seems that at every camping weekend, Modjadji would summon rainclouds like a demon possessed. I am starting to feel the same about Strompie. If I as much as think about a ride, it rains. I woke up last night with a heavy rain falling, but this morning,  things were looking up. Today was about confidence building, and trying out the new shoes on my bike. I decided to do a few geocaches too, while I'm at it. So all in all, a longish ride with boxes to tick and points to prove.

I identified Breedtsnek pass as the proving ground for the Karoo 3's and my own ability. With a geocache conveniently placed at the top, it looked like the ideal place to start. I located two more around the same area, just for good measure. One of the caches was an old rusted Hudson Commodore. These old cars fascinate me, because I always want to know the story behind them. At some point each was a clean, brand new car and someone was very excited to take delivery of it. The places it has been, the laughter shared...



From here, I retraced my track, and hit the gravel. The Karoos bit and even managed to kick up a bit of dust. At the start of the pass, I saw this sign :


Challenge accepted! I took a gingerly pace, fearing that I will drop my precious bike at any moment. The Anakees I had on before were all over the place. These things, however made the bike stay true. Even through the twisty bits.


On my way there, I came across a mountain biker. He looked exhausted, pushing his bike. I thought he might have a flat, but HE was just flat. He was also a fetching shade of lobster. I pushed on and at the top I quickly searched for the cache, before heading down myself. It is a very tricky road, but the Strom handled it.


Covered in dust, and sweating like a pig, I headed home. Only a 250-odd km trip, but it needed doing.