Easy Sunday ride, or so we thought!

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Pack Dog
Jul 1, 2010
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Weekend, riding time.  I initially had a tar road ride planned, but it didn’t take Gorgar long to twist the old rubber arm.  I know a nice gravel highway type road we were planning to ride.  The road runs from Sasolburg to Parys through some nice farming country, flat like only the Free State can be.  And seeing that there hasn’t been any rain in Vanderbijl since Friday we thought it was going to be a breeze, one of those quick rides with a Zamalek 45 minutes down the line on the banks of the Vaal.  Boy were we in for a HUGE surprise.

We left Gorgar’s place at 06:45.  The KLR and GS were purring along happily getting to the start of the gravel.  We were slightly apprehensive when the gravel started and the road was all wet.  Having both ridden the road before, we knew that there was a stretch of road with nasty black slippery stuff coming up.  This part of the route is just 10km into the ride and we were both surprised on getting there and finding decent road surface.  About 2km later we got our first surprise.  Nice water still flowing from one side of the road to the other.  Thank goodness for last week’s ride with Malibu.  We got off, walked the crossing and got our lines sorted.  Walking back I was shaking like a leaf, and Gorgar had a good giggle at this.  Boy, family is not what it should be anymore.  Riding through however was great fun, and on reaching the other side we had to do the peektcha taking.  Here Gorgar acknowledged that he too was a bit shaky before getting on the KLR, so here’s the finger bro!

We continued on and had a few slippery moments.  Seeing that I was riding the superior machine I was sitting in front.  The next moment, still don’t know why, the front wheel was going one way, the back the other, and I was missioning in a different direction.  Thank goodness for crash bars!!  Gorgar helped me pick up the GS and we had the compulsory smoke break.  A car that I had heard 25 minutes before came driving past us at this stage.  Stupid us, we never released what was in store for us!

We had 2 more water crossings, and at this stage we were working together like clockwork.  Stop, get off, soek ‘n stok, and Gorgar shouting encouragement from the (dry) side while I waded through feeling for holes.  A quick discussion on lines, and we crossed.  I must confess, after my little oops I was a bit cautious of mud and at stages I was, like the woose I am, duck walking some of the thicker mud.  Gorgar, on the other hand, having a lighter bike and being younger and thus having less logical sense (being insane), was having the time of his life.  Spinning, going broadies, and in general just misbehaving and having fun on the KLR.

We eventually reached the Sasolburg – Koppies tar road, but a few km’s down the road I decided to take the Parys road.  EISH, beeg mistake!!!!!!

I asked Gorgar to ride in front here, being faster than me.  I was kindagatvolat  this stage, but he was still being a hooligan in general.  We started down the road, and soon found out that we might be in for a bit of a rough and slipperyride.  Gorgar took the lines, I followed, thinking of Hoofseun, Mark Hardy and Malibu’s advice on riding mud.  About 800 slippery meters and 10 minutes later, Gorgar made an unexpected stop.  His only words were “I hope the rest doesn’t look like this”.  Knowing him and knowing that he was too much of a groot kop to ask for a U-turn the decision was made without uttering a word!  The road (hmmm, mud bath) was so bad at this stage that we had to push the bikes around to get them facing the other way.  We also had a good look at the tyres, and saw that the rubber wasn’t the part touching the road.  We were riding on mud!!!!Heidies or E07’s here I come.

We started off again and 25 meters down the line I saw Gorgar’s line, which up to now were nice and predictable, heading sharp right, straight for the 2 meter high bossies on the side of the road.  Looking right I could only see the KLR’s ass and Gorgar’s blue helmet sticking out of the grass.  At this stage this was the best joke, and I started to laugh.  But some of us are punished immediately and the next moment, lo and behold, the GS was on the ground and I was on all fours, looking for some rare mud type for my mud beauty treatment.  Gorgar came jogging, or rather sliding, back and we managed, after grootsukkel, to pick up the GS, which at this stage felt like the prize winning sow on the Koppies show.  We were both sliding around, gatvol, and getting to the point of passage s3x (f you, no, f you).  After this all went well though.  Gorgar was sliding in front of me, but I was back in the groove!  The GS was sliding all over, but I managed to keep the right side down and actually started having fun!!!  After only 1600m we reached the wonderful, blessed, hard, no slippery tar.  40 minutes, yes, 40 MINUTES on 1600m.  Bloody useless, but great, great fun!!!

An easy ride back home, stopping along the way for something wet for the throat.  O ja, and the looks we got.  Aliens man, ALIENS, on motorbikes.  All in all an awesome, slippery, falling, fun day.  The bikes looked like Duel Purpose bikes should, but after a good 45 minutes of TLC we look like some Jo’burg posers again.

Gorgar at his first water crossing

Me, same crossing

Oopsie number 1.  'n GS val darem mooi!

Check the drag marks from the crash bars just to the left of the tyre marks.

Lekker long water....  Gorgar taking all in his stride.


Woopie!!!  Bow wave for the GS Symphonia

En ek's uit

Kom boetie!!!

The bliksem doesn't keep to the lines.  Going for the camera man.

The stop, 3.6km before hitting the tar for the first time

The pie-vreter in the mirror of a KLR

Home (between the last pic and home we were a bit preoccupied with black slippery kak, errrrm STUFF!

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