Kickstart and carburettor..

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Race Dog
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
After prematurely selling my little TW to Lakey's cousin, I had this space in my garage. Now the initial plan was to buy Jupiter's KLX but that didn't work out so I started scouting around for something else to occupy myself with.

I saw this on Gumtree and gave it a look but wasn't really interested at the price..

A few days later the same bike was advertised with a 20% price drop..

I called the guy  last Friday and arranged to see him Saturday..

Saturday morning I went to go see him and when I stopped outside his place the bike was standing in his driveway. Turns out he is a policeman at the airport here. We chat a bit and he tells me a bit about the bike and shows me the registration papers etc that are all up to date. I notice that he only registered the bike in his name on the 25th of last month. I then ask him why he wants to sell it. Policeman then takes off his tekkie and shows me his ankle that is 50 shades of purple and explains that he wants something with an electric starter... :imaposer:
I ask him if its ok to take it for a spin and he agrees but he warns me that "Die ding skop hoor." I reply ja, I'll get it started. I fetch my helmet and gloves out my bakkie and get on the bike.
Ignition on and I turn the motor over till I feel compression. Pull the manual decomp lever and turn it more till TDC. I give it a good kick and nothing.. I pull the choke and try again and she fires into life. Policeman is now impressed that I got her going on my second kick. Anyway I pull the clutch that nearly takes all my strength and click her into 1st. I let the clutch out while slightly giving her a rev. And let the clutch out more.. and more. Finally it takes at nearly the end of its travel and I'm off.
Down the road slowly thru the gears. The front brake is as spongy as a bag of marshmellows but the back is good. I do a U-turn at the top of the road and back down again. As  change into 2nd I give the throttle a good twist and the front wheel launches into the air. I carry it for about 2 car lengths before putting it down as I don't want to run out of road with the shitty front brakes.
I turn again and stop outside policemans house..
Now while all this is happening, policemans laaitie is there and watching whats going on. After I've taken my helmet off he pipes up to his dad "Pa, die Oom kan wheelie, hy is cool." Policeman replies "Ja my seun, hy is cool." :imaposer:
Anyway we go inside and conclude the deal.
Policeman helps me load the bike and I'm off home with it..
