Miles for Marrow - Enduro challenge.

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Pack Dog
Jan 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
KTM 990 Adventure
I will be participating in this year’s Western Cape Regional Enduro Series to raise awareness for the Bone Marrow Register run by the Sunflower fund.(

I lost both my parents to cancer in a space of 18 months, my mother to Lukemia brought on by the shock of my father’s passing. This cause is something close to my heart, something that I have wanted to do every year for 10 years! My time has finally come.

I challenge everyone with a plastic bike to join me in my challenge to complete each WC Regional Enduro this year. Typically 3 hours of circulating on a +-40km loop in the blazing hot sun or sometimes rain. If this sounds too much for you, then show your support for this cause by becoming a bone marrow donor. Details can be found at

I don’t really have a specific strategy other than tell as many people as I possibly can and as a starting point I have had a special sticker kit made up for the occasion.




I have also made special race jerseys which will be on sale at KTM Cape Town and funds raised will be donated to the Sunflower Fund. (Will post pics of them as soon as I have received them.)

The first race is in Bredasdorp on Saturday 14th March, some take a ride out to the enduro and check out the scene. There are always refreshment stands selling drinks and food for the thirsty, hungry traveller.

Cancer is a nasty disease that can be cured with the help of good people. Everyone know’s someone who has been affected by Cancer. Come on, do it for them. Share a little, Save a life.