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Mar 26, 2011
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Cape Town, Southern Suburbs
Triumph (all models)
If you are planning to travel into Mozambique during the holidays it is worth it to visit and check the Border Crossing Information.

My experiences at Ressano Garcia where I go in and out frequently.

Some changes are:

On RSA side SAPS can check the vehicle against the Registration Documents just after you have received the entry slip from security. All copies must be certified. If vehicle is financed a Bank Border Letter is required. Authorisation to drive a vehicle not your own is required. These checks have started (seems to be on some shifts at the moment) and cause even longer queues. Seems the best is to have a Commissioner of Oaths stamp anything that looks like a piece of paper!

On Moz side they are clamping down on the use of runners. (Both in and out)

When you get the form for a non-Moz vehicle they sometimes check passport against vehicle registration certificate to confirm the driver. Again causing longer queues. Other times it is a chaotic as always with no checks.

When you leave Moz you now also get a security slip that is stamped when you do the vehicle papers.

At the bottom of the website given above is a list of useful telephone numbers. The authorities here are making an effort to stop bribery (with mixed success - depends on time of day or night they stop you).

Enjoy the trip.