PE Dogs Sunday Ride 12 February 2012 The game Drive ?

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Global Moderator
Jan 16, 2010
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Triumph 900 Scrambler
As the day for the ride came closer I became slightly concerned about the numbers. Big groups are difficult to control and we would be riders of different skill levels. I need not have worried… everyone rode like a champ and group discipline was great.

We had predetermined waypoints, to which we made it in our own time, according to one’s riding style and skill level. Thus, no pressure, but still with a sweeper that kept an eye on us all. Thanks J-mo. It seemed to have worked well.

Thanks everyone for making  it, as far as I’m concerned, a very successful first Social Ride.

Meeting up at the Engen garage. Nice and fresh, crispy day for a ride

Off to Nanaga where we’re joined by some more Dogs

I go real slow through Shamwari looking for game and this is all I saw.

Apparently I missed quite a bit. The others can fill you in ! It’s a nice cruise through the park

Purple Pixi

SnakeyXT and Li

Dizzy Dolphin. She was a bit concerned about her skill level for the ride. Some parts were a bit rougher than what I thought, but she rode like an Old Dog.


We arrive safely at Bushman Sands and there’s an easy kuier atmosphere amongst us.

There’s almost drama with breakfast. We arrived at 0945 and the Kitchen closes at 1000. I did phone ahead and warned them we’re a group coming. How about scramble egg on toast with bacon etc. ? Gooi!

We spend a leasurely hour or so and have a lekker brekkie

And here we all are

Li with the Puppy Sarah, Hot Wire, J-mo, Knucklehead, Kaalvoet, Crab, Nerf Af, Vuyo, Pitpalo, Dizzy Dolphin, Jules, Jupiter,  Purple Pixi , Mango Jack and Adèle, Des and Tiger8, SnakeyXT and Ronè

We get a move on and go through Burchell’s game Reserve to Riebeeck East. There’s a nice little pass to get over which had me a little worried for those who thought they were novices. All went well.

Stunning views

Dizzy Dolphin

J-mo the sweeper

More views

It’s a little nerve racking for some and we have a short stop

On the other side there’s a steep loose stone downhill. Purple Pixi has a side stand incident when she looses momentum due to slow traffic in front of her. This happens before I can get there to take a photie. Very inconsiderate.

She’s cool and we carry on, giving her lots of space.

At the turn off to Riebeeck East we split up. Rone and Crab go their own way , whilst Jules and Li make for home as Sarah was getting tired. Nerf Af goes with them.

Riebeeck East

Along the R400 we get to the N10 and discuss the rest of the ride.

We were still going to do Suurberg Inn  along the Krom River road, but we’re tired and decide to hit the tar home.

First Patterson for some petrol

Then it’s off to the Orange Elephant where Csting From Turd(John for short) has some coffee and cold beers waiting for us

This is a place where the kuier can get real seriaaas

And that’s it then. Regrettably all rides come to an end, we say our good-byes and head home.

See you next time on the coastal road to Boknes. This will be Knucklehead’s ride.
