Pta to Grand Central Airport commute recommendations

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Aug 26, 2013
Reaction score
BMW G650 X-challenge
Ola fellow wilddogers. I suspect I am searching for the holy grail but here goes... My car got stolen yesterday so I will be forced to commute with my XChallenge. Problem is it has full off-road tires on and I would not like to take it off - do some thick sand riding on weekends. The route I usually do is along the old pta road on footpaths past Valhalla area (I live in Capital Park), then on footpaths again along the Old joburg road once over the N1. This is actually quite a lekker route with around 70% dirtroads. Problem is on the last section there is a lot of dumping - I rode through an obscured bedspring the other day - stopped me dead in my tracks (thought the engine seized for a moment). There was no way to remove it so I was stranded with some suspicious characters passing by no doubt thinking about my laptop in my bag and other goodies that they might find interesting . Felt quite exposed waiting for a friend to arrive - not helped that the road cant be seen from the tar road... Any of you guys know of other dirt roads that would lead me in the general direction of grand Central Airport? All the ones I've tried are fenced off. Either side of the N1 is fine. I'll consider anything that is not tar.I really appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.