Saturday trail ride on the Katoom

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Grumpy Mutt
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
It's been a ages since I have posted a ride report, the EXC is too much fun and I decided to head out and find a couple of routes I have not ridden in some time. Drawback well I still have to contend with a 8.5 l SX tank, having no idea about fuel range I took an extra 5 l jerrycan in my backpack. Needless to say 5kg strapped to your back sucks  :p I'm happy to report that the bike is not that thirsty and I did around 200 km and used about 3/4 of the jerrycan.

Took the backroads to Cullinan and had a chance to test the bike out on tar, I have to admit up to 100 km/h the 525 is smoother than my DRZ after I added the 440 kit. The 525 is quite content sitting at 100, give it some gas and it jumps forward snarls and barks and the vibes creeps through and becomes a bit twitchy on uneven surfaces. I have to add that I was on MX tyres. Overall not too bad but definetly no highway cruiser.

First stop the railway station, they did some renovating and it looks smart  :thumleft:




After a quick stop to fill up the jerrycan it was outta town and the first dirt for the day, even this is better than tar !


Then something a little more interesting, a small dirt road passing through abandoned farms with some sandy patches for good measure. Another plus of this bike is the ability to lift the front at a quick blip of the throttle. See a ditch or water, no problem just open up !



Passing through some Eucalyptus trees and rocky patches up to a section that provided some entertainment two years ago on a ride with HHHusky, Major Tom and FlyingDutcman



Thankfully this time around it was much drier and the path is now almost overgrown. What a great way to spend a Saturday !


More sandy tweespoor followed, nice flowing riding only having to stop now and then to open a cattle gate and snap a quick picture.



Nearing lunchtime I was getting a bit hungry and decided to stop at Tweedespruit for a Coke and snacks I bought at Cullinan. Things opened up a bit with good gravel roads, the bike was spinning the rear in top gear, sliding it around is a piece of cake  :ricky: Great fun ! Also had the chance of empting the fuel I rode with me, only took about 4 l but at leat the weight came down a little.



Just after lunch I had to head back home jumping on the service road from Rayton passed Mamelodi and managed to cut out some tar. After my first ride with the bike I'm extremely pleased, it ran well and I even coped with the seat. I guess it's now time for a valve clearance check and oil change  >:D
