Selling the lifestyle

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Race Dog
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
BMW (all models)
I had a huge off 10 years ago breaking both legs. My left knee was quite busted up, so I had to drive an automatic car for a few years. I bought a second-hand Mercedes A-class at the time. Having never owned a Merc before, the first time I took the car for a service, you could just feel the difference in attitude from the dealer. I felt as if I mattered. That they really care. Even if they did not, they surely gave the impression that they did. I think for that exact same reason BMW bikes outsell their Japanese counterparts, purely based on the lifestyle that they sell you. I am feeling the waters again for a new bike, and today I walked into "The world of Yamaha" here in Woodmead. Well, I tell you, what a letdown. The few people that were there were drinking coffee, and as I mounted and dismounted various bikes, not a single person showed up to give assistance. I then walked into their little shop. Not a soul in sight. I walked out the store, not having conversed with anyone. You walk into a BMW dealership, the story changes. They have the lot, the lifestyle, and the aftermarket backup. Ask me, I owned a BMW once. At a price, of course.

My point here is : How can any other motorcycle company even think of competing with BMW if this is the level of service we get ?

So here is my suggestion. Yamaha, Suzuki, whoever : Get your acts together! Treat me like family. Treat me like you actually care about me. Arrange brand-only events, then maybe you can eek into the massive marketshare that BMW enjoys....

Just for the record, I'm not looking at a BMW at all. I just want the other bike places to wake up.


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