Short circuited Li-Ion battery - advice please

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Karoo Rider

Race Dog
Sep 1, 2012
Reaction score
Ladismith WC
Honda CRF-1100L Africa Twin
OK so the dumbass award goes to... me!  Torqued the positive battery head and the #10 wrench touched a nearby engine bolt, to the effect that the wrench almost got "welded" to it!  Bike as dead as a doornail.  With the manual at hand I checked all the fuses under the seat as well as those under the tank on the right hand side of the battery - but all were fine.  A quick Google revealed a post from someone (think USA) who had exactly the same happening and in the end it was the Li-Ion battery that had blown.  Like me, this guy also measured something like 13.8V on the (removed) battery with a multimeter, but once connected the voltage is only ±1V.

After some further reading I also discovered that the Li-Ion batteries can be "lightly" jump started but in general it's not ideal, nor is hooking it up to any type of charger.  News for me!  So anyway, any advice on perhaps getting the battery back to life?  Otherwise I guess I need to get a new one.
