Stator problem?

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Pack Dog
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Good morning guys

I need some advise. I think my problem started about a month ago when we went for a ride up Breed's nek. Almost at the top of the road I wanted to see how close I can ride my bike up to the small cave. Long story short when I stopped my feet didn't touch the ground and the bike fell over. When I picked it up, I got the kakest feeling ever. The bike fell on a rock and there was a small hole in the right  hand side engine cover and the oil came pissing out. But a boer maak a plan and I covered the hole with pratly steel. It worked like a charm and we managed to enjoy the day and get back home.

About three weeks ago we took a ride down to barberton and everything was good up until we stopped at a stop/go. As we waited we got off and switched of the bikes, but when we got back on again to go, the bike didn't want to start. The instruments went blank and I could only hear the click of the solenoid. My friends push started me, and off we went. At our camping site I phoned around for a new battery.  Got one from Nelspruit, fitted it and the bike was starting again with no problem. I had a smile on my face and the bike worked fine from there on every day.

This past long weekend we left for lesotho on the Friday.  After a puncture in my back wheel delayed us in villiers, we had to ride in the dark and rain to clarens.  (I used my brights and heated grips) . The next morning when we wanted to leave i could hear the starter isn't turning nearly as fast as it should, but the bike started and worked great all the way to Underberg. (From Howick to Underberg we got lots of rain and mist, and I used my brights and heated grips again). When I refueled it did the same thing as it did the morning in Clarens when I stared it. Now I got a bit worried to go in to Lesotho with a bike that isn't 100%, but I figured fuckit LETS GO!!!! Half way up sani pass we stopped for a rest and there it didn't want to start again. i turned the bike around and ran started it down the mountain. When we left the bar to go and pitch our tents, I had to be pushed started again. The next morning the battery was so  pap it didn't even want to start while being pulled by my friend on his bike. I got jump started by some friendly people with a Land rover and Cruiser  (as hele dalk die lees, weereens BAIE dankie).  After about 100 meters down sani pass it died again and didn't want to start again. I had to free wheel all the way down to the SA border post, just to be jump started again by the friendly people in their cages.

All the way home, every time we stopped I sometimes had enough power for one start or to run start it. So now it seems that the battery is charging, but when I use my brights and heated grips there isn't enough supply of power to the battery to fully charge it.

This morning I checked with a meter, when the bike is idling I get about 12.3v and when taking the revs up to 4000 rpm it goes up to about 12.6v. That seems a bit low.

On the wires from the alternator I get 9.4v ac between 1 and 2 , 6.1v ac between 1 and 3 and 6.6v ac between 2 and 3 when idling. I don't know what they should read. 

Do you think the stator got hurt when the bike fell over on Breed's nek or can it be the regulator?

(jammer vir die moerse lang storie)

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