Sunday Afternoon Cruise

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Race Dog
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
The bottom... and digging
Sunday afternoon saw me kitting up at about 2pm, this, by the way is not the ideal time to set out on a ride, as it is nice and hot. The wife and kiddies went to a friend of her’s, and I set off in the general direction of the cradle.

Past Pinehaven, it rained a little, nothing too serious,and I proceeded onwards to Hekpoort. The bustling metropiolis of Hekpoort, has a school, bottlestore, Petrol Station, and not mutch else. After consulting Google Earth prior to the trip, I was looking for a the dirt road just out of hekpoort, I saw from the sky. (Things look way different from above, and it is not as easy to find it in real life.

Took the dirt, and this is where my trip really started. stopped to deflate tyres, there was quite a bit of traffic.


Saw some nice wildlife, a big-ass KUDU, nice to see those majestic animals. Tried to take a picture, but the cellphone hides the kudu nicely in the brush.

Onwards, and I came across some wildebeest. (If people can release movies they shot on their cellphones, I can try a artistic shot for my ride report.)

Got mountain? (I know it’s not cape scale, but it’s the best we have in Gauties)

I followed some quite rocky dirt roads, and eventually went up Breedt’s again, quickly stopped off for the compulsory photo.


Down the other side, past the bottlestore and onto the next dirt I spotted on google.

This was a really nice piece of road, decending into the valley, although with the recent rains, the road has some serious run-off trenches. Emergency stop –type stuff, and then get the bets place to cross.. I had a couple of “Oh-no seconds”

Eventually got to the end of my journey, The N4, turned around and made my way back (this time negotiating the trenches a bit better)

Up the hill again, and down.
The mountain on the horizon, is where breedts nek is.

Just past the bottlestore, the clouds started looking threatening and I decided to make haste, thus the photo’s stopped here.

Going down Breedts.


Took the same dirt roads back, a little faster this time. Filled up in Hekpoort, But my Tankbag’s raincover on, remained amazingly dry until I was 5km from the house where I got thoroughly soaked.

It was a nice ride, just over 200km’s and 2:30mins.

Now I just need to get the flu sorted, but there’s few things that can make you forget about feeling miserable, than a ride on some dirt.