Wabbit does Bathurst

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Race Dog
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
AJS (all models)
I haven’t done a RR for so long, eish. So I thought “Maybe it’s time to do one, even though it’s only a solo trip”. After all, I’m mos a ‘poser’ for posting more than riding :pot:

So on 27 Spetember 2009, I woke up with a urge to do something. The wind was blowing, it was 12 degrees outside and it was drizzling like a drunk man at a lavvie. Not exactly ideal weather but nonetheless. When the rain stopped for a breather, I kitted out sans my earphones, a camera and gloves. It wasn’t exactly a bright moment from my side to leave my gloves at home, but my original intentions were to meet a girl for coffee at the Snorting Grunter Coffee Shop in Port Alfred, not a 100 kay trip via Bathurst. After the most bitter coffee ever (8 sugars didn’t help), I dropped my company off at her house and decided to have a look see at the MX track just outside town on the Bathurst road. Not much to be seen there except dirt and cattle, I pressed on towards Bathurst.

The Pig & Whistle, established in 1825, also the oldest pub in South Africa for those not in the know, was packed with cars, bakkies and drunk patrons, but not one bike in sight. Not wanting to stir as I was the only biker there, I rode on towards the toposcope. By now I was freezing, and really regretting the decision I made. I took a few phodies of the plaques placed on the stone walls of the toposcope, but sadly the original copper ones were stolen off and even the fake plastic ones were removed :(

I turned off onto the damp gravel road on the Grahamstown side of Bathurst, on my way home. All the shongololo’s (Duisendpote) were trekking across the road like it was a marathon. In the 40 kays to our farm, I only saw one vehicle. This made for some steeking it into the corners, and brought the grin factor back which chased off the coldness :biggrin:. The pass I went through has a river at the bottom, and the river was flowing a bit, but no fish or any life to speak of. Shortly after I joined the Southwell road running between Port Alfred and Grahamstown, I saw some cattle next to the road. They didn’t seem fazed by the KLR, but being a farm implement and all, this didn’t surprise me. Mooooo…

The rest of the road I took slowly as I had a vieslike headwind. The rest of the way was uneventful, and I was very glad to be back in a warm home :). Sorry about the quality of the pics, smart phone/dumb camera :(

The Toposcope near Bathurst, which looked like a big tiet to me


View of the lock-shin


The view of the coastline if the weather permitted


Arty shot :D


Kak weather all around


Barville Park, the farm adjacent to ours


The tower, the beacon and the wall where many plaques used to be


The bike emerging from behind the stone nipple


Another view of the neat-looking location


Plaque #1


Plaque #2


Some of the replica plaques


Farm pastures and a river in the background


The road ahead




No fish here…


…only vodka (not mine though)


Oraait, I’ll admit this stretch of road was boring


Which way?


Cattle seem to be used to farm implements


The END :biggrin:

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